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  1. I used to run a webhosting company but had to close after paypal decided that selling a Server to a customer to co-locate it was considered digital goods and returned the money to the buyer no problems as the server was with my datacenter any way. HOWEVER I had a volume of sales over £2k per month Paypal have locked £4k in my account and basically ruined my company and refused to unlock it. I would also be interested in a class action if everyone else will get involved.
  2. Yeah I have the name of the Rep and his Manager
  3. Hey guys, I got a call from opos today regarding a Payday Loan. I refused to answer their "security" question of name address etc... The guy proceeded the call giving me abuse. When asked to speak to his supervisor he started to shout at me giving abuse. After that I got a call regarding my email address ( Registered after the PDL ) and the whois information relating to my domains. He called the whois record telephone number and discussed the debt with my father. My father would not release information so the guy fished around on facebook to find who I was and what I do for a living. He then called my employer to discuss the debt and the recovery effort. After discovering all this I called OPOS directly to discuss the agents action with the Supervising Manager to be threatened with police action for fraud unless I paid or came to some sort of agreement. I have setup an agreement plan of £10 per month paid by debit card to stop them going to the police (I will be cancelling that card) I just want to know what my next step should be with this company who are clearly harassing me and using non-conventional means of pretty much finding all my personal information and black mailing me over telephone. As far as I see it I think it is legally classed as harassment/stalking and blackmail. Would it be of benefit to get Strathclyde Police and Trading Standards about this. I have already forwarded recorded calls with my employer to the ICO
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