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  1. Sorry to jump on the bandwagon but I'm in the exact same boat. Took out a loan with CFO some time ago and couldn't pay it back. Came to an arrangement with another 3rd paty they used - Daniels Silverman - to pay back £20 a month. This was all agreed and I made the payments, but in the meantime i applied for another loan, with another payday loan company calling themselves something else - no reference to CFO or anything to do with them. The application involved debit card details. Next thing i know £400 is taken from my account and CFO claim it was their right to access my money through their little 'sting' website. this started a big wrangle and i tried to get the money back but couldn;t get it. In the end i just said to hell with them, even though they still had the nerve to write demanding the residual £260 (i only ever borrowed about £200). I ignored it, but then eventually wrote saying i'd pay it off £10 a month. Never heard back. months and months passed, i start getting these silly texts from MT. And now i get the letter. Like i say, i'm not currently paying it back but i'm damned if i'm going to start doing so through one of their fake, illegal pseudonyms. Can anybody suggest what the best course of action would be? Can scan in the letter if needs be but it says exactly what the others say...
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