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Everything posted by Loontwo

  1. Thanks for that link, From checking, pre 2010 it was 22+. Damn government and changing that around, seems it was them to blame for the lower wage that year, typical when I come past the 22+ age they put it down to 21+
  2. Hey guys, Only just realised this but I believe work have underpaid me for a whole year based on wages. When I turned 21 (4 years back) I expected to be on the adult minimum wage at work. My managers told me I wouldnt and that when it says "over 21" it means 22 and above. There was never any full info about it at my work (retail handbook was missing, no notices about breaks, holidays or pay amounts and according to a staff member, someone from head office said "what the staff dont know wont hurt them") Anyway, last week I noticed in the managers office a printed bit of paper saying wage amounts which read "21 and over - £6.08" I check on the government website today which shows: "£6.08 - the main rate for workers aged 21 and over" Is that the standard law? Where every company has to abide by, or can they actually put in their own rule so it only applys to 22+. I think at that time I should of been getting £5.80 but instead was only on something like £4.80. I do have a lot of my wage slips from that year I can provide as evidence to them if I have been underpaid for a whole year
  3. thanks, yea ill give them another email too, yea the guy said it would be taken off my bill next month (as in refunded)
  4. Hey guys, Got a loan with them, £1100 + £100 interest for the year. Before the loan I had an authorised overdraft and had planned to use all the cash to buy some good things and a holiday. Which have all been paid for with my loan money and March's wages. When applying I had an authorised overdraft and knew that I could fall back on it. The letter confirmed the direct debit had been set up and they will take the 1st repayment on the 13th April. There is enough to pay it, something like £180 left of my overdraft. The 13th April has been and gone and nothing was taken from my bank. Was planning to phone them today as im off work, but phoned them and their loan department is closed...typical. My bank account is with them too... Will they ammend this? I just dont want negative "missed payment" scores on my credit report as well as a missed payment charge.
  5. Hmmm thanks, wasnt great in the end really. They had tried to phone me a few times whilst I was at work, I didnt know the number so didnt bother calling back, but then noticed today they had left some voicemails saying to contact them. Phoned them, the guy took a while and said the £2.98 will be taken off my bill next month. What im interested to see is is I get the extra added VAT back because on the non DD charge, its probably only 30p, but perhaps if I dont that could mean a further complaint to them? I know its pennys but again, if it was the other way round and I owed them it, they would be giving me missed payment scores on my credit report and even try getting a debt collector
  6. Thank you, have done that now, hopefully ill get a reply soon
  7. Problem number 5 with orange. End of Feb I set up a DD, this was confirmed in a letter by them on the 28th Feb. It said my DD would be taken out no earlier than 7th April. My bill date for that time was March (On my account that bill is dated 22nd March - 22nd April) It was taken via DD on the 10th, but includes a non DD charge even though I paid via DD. I contacted email support.... no reply... I contacted them by phone.... was waiting for ages and some non english person didnt understand what I was saying, so hung up. I contacted up above in their company direct...no reply. Yea its only a few quid but being charged a non DD charge even though I paid via DD simply isnt on.... Also the fact they have single handedly managed to put a load of negative scores on my credit report, screw my main isp email addy with them ( even after talking to someone in the executive office, it took a call from their tech guy to sort it, even he coluldnt sort it but a month later they re set my whole accout and it worked) what else can I do?
  8. Hmm I have another question regarding this. Got an email saying there had been changed to my credit file, logged in, requested new report and the notice of correction has been removed but orange's "missed payment's" still are there... does that mean it wont be removed?
  9. I got another update on this. In a "notice of correction" section of my account it shows my address and says: NOTICE OF DISPUTE - THE INDIVIDUAL CONCERNED HAS DISPUTED THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION REGISTERED AT THIS ADDRESS AND WE HAVE NOW CONTACTED THE SUBSCRIBER CONCERNED. CARE SHOULD THEREFORE BE TAKEN WHEN USING THE DATA AT THIS ADDRESS TO ASSESS THE CREDITWORTHINESS OF THE INDIVIDUAL CONCERNED is that a good thing? Everything else on my file is 100% no missed payments or anything, but it seems the way they have worded " CARE SHOULD THEREFORE BE TAKEN WHEN USING THE DATA AT THIS ADDRESS TO ASSESS THE CREDITWORTHINESS OF THE INDIVIDUAL CONCERNED" doesnt pinpoint that orange's "missed payments" have been disputed so seeming good paid off things on my credit report could be though to be under dispute by anyone checking my credit report
  10. It seems from a lot of research the past few days its difficult to get a fair loan without a good credit rating. Your loan would mean paying back £1100 interest based on £60 a month repayment. Firstly is it really worth it? I know its paid across 5 years but being happy with half your loan amount as added interest especially with a low amount like £2500 is money wasted. It will be hard to get a loan regardless, poor credit history's are usually turned down right away. Recently got a loan. Had a low interest loan with them before (£1500) and only paid £60 overall interest. This time my credit history shows I paid it in full with no missed payments, am not in any debt, only missed a few payments with phone over 6 months ago (long story but they were in the wrong), however overall my credit score was above average/good. They still offered me the loan at 18.9% which is quite high compared to what I expected it to be. If you really need the loan now, try a guarantor loan, might be able to help
  11. Sorry for the late reply, yea I have asked that a few times with them, they have said its not down to being at the minimum, they claimed their minimum is £50 and tried paying the full £100 off, as well as asking in my bank branch who just give me different dates that I can reduce it, but when that date comes around the same errors occur
  12. Thanks, Oddly I applied for a loan last night with my bank..... Never thought it would of been approved.... checked emails this morning and it has been approved. Never would of thought that
  13. Thanks for the thoughts and ideas there. I have emailed equifax, there was a section for disputing things in my credit report, will look into some of the other suggestions too. It really does annoy me. Im in my mid 20's, and if anything I should be trying to enhance my credit rating. I agree with people that loans, credit cards are not good things but in reality are essential to boost your credit rating and help you in later life. Im currently at home with parents, I hate the thought of renting and paying into someone else's pocket. So when everything is settled im hoping to get a mortgage (not for maybe 10 years). However as im not able to get credit, my credit rating will be no good and I will be forced into renting or live at home with parents all my life. Before all this rubbish with orange I was actually a low risk. I took out a loan for around £1500 for a year, paid just £80 overall interest and never missed a single payment. Now I cant even get something as basic as a credit card with a £100 limit. What strikes me as odd is underwriters being very harsh. To them, they should see I have been employed at the same place for over 6 years (secure job) and have lived at the same address all my life, also that with my previous loan (as above, before orange) I paid it off fully with no missed payments. Clearly to anyone with common sense thats low risk.
  14. Hey guys, Recently signed up for a credit report.... All is good, no missed/late payments, shows my loan from the other year paid in full....However theres more than 20 missed payment checks under the part from my phone with orange. Now orange have 2 payment types, a DD, or non DD (by card). If you dont pay via DD they charge you a few £ non DD charge each month. Back in 2008 I specifically phoned them wondering if I didnt set up a DD, would I be able to take the non DD charge every month, and then pay them a few days after or in bits since my wages are never a set amount (I work an 8 hour contract, some weeks I get overtime, others I dont thus I dont know how much im getting until I see it in my bank). The person on the phone said no problem. For the next few years I have been relaxed about this flexibility. If 1 month I was paid less, then I could just pay them half the bill, but then if I get paid a higher wage the following month I could pay the whole lot I owe or pay a few months worth of phone bill so I dont have to worry about it for a while. They have never threatened me with court, and as far as I was aware all was fine. I had a proper look at my credit report today on equifax...... and was simply stunned to see 20 "missed payments" under orange's section. Without even knowing its dented my credit further when I have applied for loans or a credit card a while back as of course I have been turned down and the companys name is still listed on querying my credit score. Is there any possible way to get orange to remove the missed payment scores? It seems unfair to me I thought I was paying the non DD charge to have flexibility to pay my bill when I wanted, but instead its seemed that if I havent paid the bill on the date they issue it, then I have been getting "missed payment" scoring.
  15. So another problem with work. Since the hours were cut I found another job, working sunday, mon and tues.... I start there anytime from 2pm to 4pm. My work do not believe I have another job and in fact try to make me drop myself in it, even though the job is 100% genuine. My current job were informed about that 4 months ago, in my contract it says you can opt out of working sundays by giving them 3 months notice.... they have know I work sundays at my other job for 4 months. This weekend is a good friends birthday meal, out in the country about 40 miles away, the plan was to go to work saturday, finish, get transport half way and a lift the other half to theirs where the meal is, then of course get a lift to the train station in time to get a train to my other job. By chance I popped into work today (my day off), and was talking to the manager saying I had that meal on saturday.... she then dropped the bombshell that im working sunday morning. 1st off... its thursday today and I only popped in by chance, meaning the earliest I could of seen this is tomorrow if I hadnt popped in....surely too short notice? Next is that I previously told them I work my other job Sundays. They dont believe me and the manager even said "well its only the morning shift"... Fair enough but again there was no notice and they know that iv pretty much taken sunday, monday and tues as my days off (unless theres a week or so notice so I can try and change shifts on my other job) The third thing is that it would mean paying £30 to come back on the train sunday morning, problematic since my friends meal is closer to my other job than this job. If I went to the meal, stayed over, it meant I could pay £10 train to go to my other job. With working sunday I would pay £30 to go back to this job, earn £20, then have to pay about the same to go back to my other job, So it means forking out £50 more than I would if I didnt have to work there sunday, so in that sense id be £30 worse off for working my shift at this job thanks Edit: Just have seen that for Sunday the 1st train back to town to go to work isnt until 9am. Takes an hour to get back and then I have to walk 20 mins to work so wouldnt be back on time. Cant get 1 back saturday as the meal doesnt finish until about 10pm and theres no trains after. Cant not go to the meal either as deposits have been paid for it.
  16. The story (which I may of mentioned before) is that I got my overdraft a few years back as that xmas was an expensive one. it was £300 and I planned to pay it back at least £50 a month until it was cleared. When I only had £100 left to pay it just kept giving me an error saying I couldnt reduce the limit. When speaking to them I was told some rubbish and that I could not reduce my overdraft anymore until Feb 2012 (the 16th or something like that) Next month they are introducing their £1 a day charge up to 20 days for every day you are in your overdraft. No way do I want to pay that (if im desperate I may as well take out a payday loan as its cheaper). I tried to reduce my overdraft earlier and guess what?? "We are sorry but this amount exceeds the allowable limit available on this account at this time." Pathetic. Even though (in their words) they claim that I couldnt reduce it until this month.... I still cant reduce it now. Is there a way to make them accept repayment of the overdraft? and secondly is there any bank that I can switch over to that will take my overdraft off santander's hands? thanks
  17. Yea im very tempted to do the same. That bank has caused me nothing but grief. Unfair bank charges (I reclaimed a while back), Unfair authorised overdraft charges (now risen to £1 a day up to 20 days), and now bouncing money going in. Currently im pending £100 going into my bank from paypal and the wages next week, if they are bounced by santander I will get charges for them to resend the money and of course exceed my overdraft (thus have more charges) which im in no doubt that santander wouldnt pay the charges for me. What is also far from understandable is my overdraft is £100. I do max it nearly every month, however at current, my balance total is -£99..... what happened to the other £1? They are putting me in serious trouble because im paying their overdraft charges out of money I could of used to reduce my overdraft and change bank
  18. Update: The issue has been resolved..... guess who was at fault? Good old useless Santander. Spoke to wonga again who explained they sent the payment as per usual and Santander bounced the transaction. Having a word with santander today as there could be serious trouble for them if they bounce other transactions like my wages next week
  19. Well its now been over 2 days and still no money from wonga, they havent replied to my email with the pictures of proof that I havent been paid, in my wonga account the interest is going up and a week today they take the money back
  20. no online chat. tried phoning but been busy working.....after calling and waiting 30 mins to talk to someone have had to hang up and carry on working. email replys were pretty much it has been sent and they cany do much. bank still doesnt have money paid in
  21. Had several wonga loans in the past. Never was any problems, paid them back on the due date or before. This month I decided to take out a loan. Mostly because im off work next week and wanted to make a few plans (get paid the week after and by using a voucher the interest was only something like £10) nothing changed, same card selected, put in pin they sent via txt. Loan was approved and it said money was sent. 7 hours later.... nothing. Phoned my bank to ask if it was pending going into my bank.... they said no. Now its over 24 hours since I applied and still no money in my bank. I had transactions going out today which show on my statement, but nothing showing for my wonga loan. No idea what I can do, something has gone wrong on their behalf, the bank say its not their fault and nothing was sent by wonga, wonga say to phone them (but im put on waiting for too long), I have sent them an email with pdf's and screen prints of my ebanking account. Feeling very sketchy because even with my statements sent to them... they could claim its not legit proof and that the money was sent. They could actually end up putting me in debt if its not resolved before they are due to take the money out as I will be over £100 out of pocket and with bills to pay. Any help is appreciated
  22. It completely sickens me. That bank is the worst of the worst and without a doubt deserve to lose all their customers. My situation: Xmas 2010 and I had a £300 authorised overdraft (really needed it bad at that time of year) I planned to pay off £50 a month (£100 some months) after xmas until it was paid off. After paying £200 of it off (£100 left) I kept getting an error saying I couldnt reduce my overdraft any more until February 2012. I phoned, them, emailed and even wrote to them asking why it is. They said it was something due to their systems and it was indeed correct I couldnt pay any more off until Feb 2012. Hours got drastically cut at work and I had to go into the money I had to pay off my overdraft. From March last year until the current date I have been charged the max £7.50 per month. Now its going up and wages havent improved so no doubt im going to be charged the max £20 a month from now on . Its a complete ripoff. Theres simply no incentive to pay it off, regardless if you had a £50 or £500 overdraft you would be charged the same for using it and if you only went into it by a few quid you would be charged the same as if you maxed it completely. I find it as unfair, especially when you consider an agreed overdraft is something you get to help when money is low and you know you are going to go overdrawn. getting £20 charge a month is nearly the same as going overdrawn unauthorised and having to pay their £30/£35 charge
  23. I agree guys, I didnt mean it in that way, I dont put anything to do with work on facebook. I should of elaborated, when it comes to facebook I just have the work colleagues as friends, we only chat about general things. We only talk about work related things in person, or over the phone, but I just meant, they can be friendly on facebook, like they are your friends, but as soon as something goes on in work they step back,
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