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  1. Yes, I ahve a partner who works full time -but is only on minimum wage. I could not see a link for the benfits calculato -am I missing something?
  2. I have worked there for three years, date of last day of employment -was last friday - 9th Feb 2012, and bady is due 15th June. I was planning on starting my maternity leave at the earliest date which I could-being ten weeks before due date -end of March. I am available to work till the end of March, but as i mentioned my employer has shut the shop for 6 - 8 weeks as my colleague fell last week and is not sure yet when she can return. My employer rents the shop, and rather than get a temp worked in for 6 - 8 weeks decided to close the shop, and re-open when my colleague is well enough -although she may have to employ another junior at that point.
  3. Hi. I started a link in employment issues and was advised to post under the benefits section. Without duplicating it all -my colleague fell last week and my employer has had to close her salon for approx 6 to 8 weeks, I was due to go on maternity leave at the end of march . However, my employer told me last week that she would lay me off -I am the shampooer ewtc at the salon and and now I have been informed that she is making me redundant. Panic -what do I do now for money, as I say the leave should have started at the end of March, baby due mid june and my employer could not see the salon opening prior to the end of march -but this had not been confirmed at all. I am able to work till end of march -but clealry with the salon shutting have no work and therefore redundancy -I will be entitled to a payment and shall ensure I get holiday pay, week in hand etc. What do I do now for money in March, and who pays my maternity money-as I am not going to be able to get by without any income -please advise me and any amounts etc will be appreciated -do the state pay the maternity pay now??
  4. Thanks for the advice and support -will try a link to the benefits section as well. Sorry for the confusion -yes I worked a day and still owed my week in hand -but today -been contacted and have been made redundant. Therefore employer is saying now that she doesn't have to pay me anything -I do know I am due redundancy, week in hand and also accrued holiday pay -will have to insist that I get the payment.
  5. thanks for the advice-just so depressed. Employer is not willing to pay me even though I have worked 1 day and i work a week in hand -she is also adamant that the shop will be shut for at least 6 weeks and as she cannot see it opening before my maternity leave -has told me she will not be paying me anymore money -enough to worry about without having no money. She is adamant that without money coming in-she cannot pay me or my colleague -but she has run the salon for approx 30 yrs and has clearly made a lot of money during these years -Please -anymore help will be appreciated. Where do I stand on maternity, being laid off etc.
  6. Thanks, if I go down the route of claiming job seekers allowance and don't retrun to the salon before my maternity leave starts -who is going to pay my maternity money -employer has said -she has no money so she cannot pay
  7. The salon has had to shut this week (tuesday) as my colleague unfortunately had a nasty fall and broke a bone, the shop owner (employer) has therefore told me tat there is no work for me to do-and has shut the shop for 6 to 8 weeks -and then it looks as though my maternity leave may have started -or I may have to work a week prior to my maternity leave starting. My employer was informed of my maternity leave etc -from last October when we discussed the position and agreed that I would finish at the earliest point -being 10 weeks before my due date. Clearly, my employer -who has not worked in the salon for three years -also has health issues and she has not tried to get anyone in to run the salon in the short term -whilst my colleague recovers. Hope this clarifies the position a little better -the salon is not shutting (permanently) just until my collegaue recovers and then will re-open. My employer rents the shop and will clearly have to continue with the rent on the premises -but has said several times to us both that she has no money coming in and therefore cannot pay them anything. Many thanks for the advice -in anticipation.
  8. Help please. I am currently pregant and have given my employer notice etc, and it was agreed that I finish at the end of march for the baby to be born mid-june. All had been agreed and everything was ok. Unfortunately this week the circumstances have changed and my colleague has been taken ill-resulting in my employer having to shut the salon (I am not fully qualified), my employer has told me that she cannot afford to pay either of us as she has no money coming in. Please anyone help me. My colleague has sick note etc-and tehrefore is fully entitled to her SSP -and has worked there for 15+years, I have been employed there for over 3 years and because the salon looks as though it will eb shut for 6 - 8 weeks, I don't know where I stand, or what I must do. All as I have been told is 'sign on the dole', and then this will cover my maternity pay-but as I understand from friends this will not be the case. If my employer has laid me off -as she cannot open the salon, where do I stand-there is no mention at all in my terms and conditions of employment. Who will pay my maternity pay? I am worrying myself now as clearly I still had approx 8 weeks to work -and was relying on this money for puschair, etc-now I have nothing. Any advice will be appreciated please help me.
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