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  1. i have now been in touch with most of these companies and i must say cash genie were as nice as pie....i am paying them back at 20.00 a month(owe them just 120.00)and they were even prepared to wait until my next payday. another sympathtic company was 24/7 moneybox, again happy to wait until my april payday. hopefully can get my money troubles sorted in a year to 18 months and get back on track.
  2. sorry to hear about your troubles hun. i am about to tell my 7 payday loan companies that they have £38.00 a month to share between them. last month i couldnt pay my rent because almost all of my wages went in either fullpayments or interest charges. my son in law has taken control of my finances...i am 6k in debt......not too bad really but i cant continue to work all month and be left with nothing.i will write to them all and tell them they are putting me in financial hardship and offer them on 5.00 p.w.......watch this space.
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