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Everything posted by thegolster

  1. Hi Deb, I unfortunately got caught by this as well and had £69.99 taken from my account. I immediately rang them the morning it came out and demanded a refund. The guy on the phone was very pleasant, sent me the "refund" form out via email and I filled it in and sent it back. They advised that it would taken up to 30 days for the refund to show in my account. Fair enough I thought, although not exactly ideal as I needed the money so I mailed them back advising that 30 days was not good enough and I wanted the refund within 5 working days and they said I should receive the refund on a specific date about two weeks from now. OK, I thought I’ll wait until that day and then check my bank. Lo and behold on the day he advised, no refund. Emailed back and he then advised it would be a further 5 days ... to cut a long story short, this went on for around 6-7 weeks, emailing back and forth, myloan stating that they had refunded me and me advising them they had not. I rang my bank to see if there were any pending transactions on the account, nothing. After coming on here to look for some advice (thanks guys) I threatened them with a complaint to the OFT etc, which I actually did. Anyway, 7 weeks after I first requested a refund I got it back, the full £69.99 I may add. There must have been around 20-30 emails (do not bother calling them, complete and utter waste of time) but please persevere and threaten legal action, OFT etc and they will eventually return your hard earned money. They are a complete shower of *******! Hope this helps as I had nearly given up at one point but kept at them! Let us know how it goes! thegolster
  2. Hi Radgie, Really appreciate the response, will give them a call now and offer to pay by bank transfer to those details. Hopefully the accept with little or no hassle. Will advise how I get on. Cheers. G
  3. Hi Guys, I have been reading the forum for quite a while now and it has helped me greatly but I need a quick question answered. Basically, like a lot of others on here I have fallen in the vicious cycle of payday loans and I am having particular problems with Minicredit. To cut a long story short, Minicredit and others have been raiding (without success) my main bank account. I have taken out a loan with 247Moneybox, relatively small compared to the others I have and I want to pay this back (due tomorrow). I have setup up a parachute account (completely separate bank) where my wages will be paid into tomorrow. The decison I am struggling with is should I give 247 my new bank details so that I can clear that balance with them and are they linked with Minicredit in any shape or form? I want to clear the 247 balance but im struggling to think of a reasonable way to pay them without making "public" my new bank details. Are 247 linked to any other PDL's? I hope ive made my problem as clear as mud and i would appreciate the advice from any of the wise heads on here. Cheers G
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