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  1. I don't think it's a fully a case of people being incompetent I honk it's partly the case of Carcraft and it's associated companies making money from catching people out. The staff openly go out of their way to misguide you. So instead of going to spend a large amount of money on a car which is a really exciting prospect for most people, you have to approach buying a car like a fully qualified solicitor/investigator/accountant. I fortunately saw the company for what they were before buying from them. I wondered inside for a look not really wanting to buy but curious as to what was available to me. Saw nothing but was caught on the way out by a lovely salesman called Tom. Gave him the spec of the two cara me n my other half were interested in and he said he had both available in London that he will have brought up by the weekend for us. He said he would knock both cara down from £8195 to £5000 each and give us finance for £8000 and we could trade our cars in. He said the finance would be £150 a month for three years. We walked out scratching our heads.... Surely too good to be true. A few sums later it figured that we Wud b be paying £5400 back. A bargain! We went back and said can we have that in writing, a few questions later and Tom admitted he was 'kippeted'. Openly admitted he had lied to us. Cheers Tom.
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