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Everything posted by suzyblue1

  1. Hi, i have just sent my text to the number in that thread, hope you get this and stop these pigs, i am worried sick, but am feeling a lot better since coming onto this site.
  2. God, iv just had a text off Mitigate, trace and collect, saying they are coming to my address NOW, unless i make a token payment, what do i do, its quite scary,
  3. thanks to everyone who has replied to my thread, i appreciate everything, and i am in control now. thanks again. :smile:
  4. Hi, it sounds like i spoke to the same man last night myself, he was supposed to ring me today to get my card details off me, which i was not going to give after information i was given, he never rang, i have spoken to a debt management company and they told me not to speak to them or do anything, they are just bullies, i have wrote to ombudsman and rang citizens advice, they have told me not to give anything to this comapny, and they have no right to act and threaten people, they are getting investigated, do not give them a penny, and stop worrying, if they come which they wont, ring the police...
  5. thanks for your replies, i will not give my details out to them, i will ask for their bank details and see what they say, will keep you posted.
  6. Hi, just want a bit of advice, has anyone had any dealing with a company called MITIGATE TRACE AND COLLECT, apparently Capital Finance One, , i have had a letter asking for full payment i rang them and have come to an agreement as to what i can afford but before i give them my details is this a true company and should i give them my bank details.
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