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Everything posted by kenboy1961

  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 2019-03-08. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 2019-03-08. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. dear fellow fighter can i use a proportion of your time limitation explanation to force the natwest into giving me an accurate figure of the charges that where applied to my old account.
  5. to all felow fighters,just a recap on whats happening with the natwest.gone through all the relevant letters etc until i was force to issue proceedings.since then i have been made to elabortate on the particulars of the claim which cost me another 125 quid.just recieved a letter from there solicitors saying that they will defend the action along with a proposal to strike out the case, use the time limitation act as all of the charges were imposed in 1999 also to claim all there cost aswell,am i scared ,of course i am, but i have nothing to lose now i have come this far.can anyone advise me on the law as far as (from knowledge is concerned)i hope to use this as part of my arguementas i was not aware of the banks imposed charges until they addmitted this in a letter. also failure to disclose all data a requested.i did say that £3488.90 was an approximate figure but i cant prove that because of lack of info from natwest to substansciate the true amount, i have till nov 3rd to get my £$it together to blow these people out of the water.can any fellow (bankcharge fighter)help. kind regards to all.kennyward
  6. hello to all who are helping me and a big thankyou. as we stand cobbetts solicitors still want me to elaborate on the particulars although i honestly believe that even an ameoba would be able to understand the content of the claim.of course when i get in front of the judge i will voice my concern that these solicitors have put me through undue stress for having to go through this particularisation of the claim when a settlement could of been reached from my first letter to recover the money.the amount i want to claim is only an approximate because nat west will not provide me with all the information on the account.my god it is so frustrating. to all the fellow bank charge fighters in my predicament ,dont despiar because we are all united.(JULIUS CEASER ONCE SAID DIVIDE AND CONQOUR.)WELL FELLOW FIGHTERS IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN. kind regard to all kenny ward
  7. thanks for the reply its much apreciated.got all my info ready to present to the judge on friday.ive asked cobbetts to let the nat west know that ime at this eleventh hour prepared for a settlement and then i will walk.they have replied saying they wish to view the particulars then they will decide.can you give me any other advice. kind regards. kenny ward.(fellow Bank charge fighter)
  8. hello to all fellow bankcharge fighters.to give a quick rundown on my fight with the nat west.after exhausting all avenues i issued proceedings 26/05/2006.recieved a defence form cobbetts solicitors acting for nat west to have my claim struck out due to lack of particularity.i had to apply to the court allowing me to ammend the particulars of the claim which i will do on the 27th july.i feel that this is just a stalling tactic so as to put more pressure on me.i cant see why these so called legal bigwigs cant understand the claim when its in plain english that i want to recover all the punative charges applied to my old account. i have recieved another letter today saying that case management directions cannot therefor be proposed until the claiment serves the ammended particulars,at which point the defendant may amend its defence or apply to strike out.please can anyone advise me as i think the enemy are just trying to tie me up in legal jargon in the hope of me throwing in the towel. any responses would be most welcome. kenny ward (fellow bank charge fighter.)
  9. fantastic!!! i too am hoping too dismiss the 6 year rule,so far i am approx 42 days over the alotted time for the dpa request. I was going to lodge a formal complaint but i am unsure of the address or department to send it too. I also dont know the true figure to claim as i still havnt got the info from the nat west i am at a standstill without accurate information. Do you think i will get away with an estimated figure on the claim form. Any help would be most welcome.kind regards.kenny ward(fellow bank charge fighter)
  10. blooming heck alan i forgot to mention massive respect and thanks to bankfodder, bookworm,whisperwolf and maxie.
  11. cheers alan thats the encouragement i needed because i was a bit nervouse about putting it all together. cheers fella. kenny ward
  12. hello to all (fellow bankcharge fighters).If it is of any help to you,i paid a visit to my local county court today and explained to the judge of my pending appearence if the defendants have the bottle to turn up and answer to my claim. What a bloody brilliant response i got from the judge and the court usher,i couldnt beleive it when i was given a full tour of the court and an explanation of what happens where and when. The judge invited me to sit in whilst he dealt with a civil case,someone trying to get money from the defendant and rightly so.I was gobsmacked at the smooth running of the procceedings that was admininsterd by the judge.After the hearing i approached the judge and thanked him for allowing me to sit in during the case. Your welcome he said,is there anything that you wish to ask me.After a few hesitant questions he told me that when i represent myself if the defendants provide a legal bod (AS I CALL THEM) They will not be permitted to bully or intimidate me in anyway during the hearing. All of my fears and concerns about going to court have completely dissapeared now and i reccommend that you do take this sites advice and pay the court and the sitting judge a visit just like me.what a positive experience this was from the county court and particularly judge chesterfield. I would like to finish with a thankyou to all involved at the court and i hope that this post may be of some help to all other (fellow bankcharge fighters).kind regards kenny ward.
  13. hello fellow fighter.i am currently ready to issue procceedings to nat west and although my current account got into a hell of a mess as a result of these unlawful charges i am sad to say so did my mortgage. although i paid off my mortgate 3 years ago can i find out if any charges were applied and if so am i able to claim them back .would be grateful if you could lend me some advise.kind regards,kenny ward.(fellow bank chargefighter)
  14. hello to all nat west fellow fighters.if its of any help i paid a visit to the local county court today and explained to the judge of my pending appearence if the defendants wish to turn up and answer my claim.what a bloody brilliant response i got off him and the court usher.i couldnt believe it when i was given a full tour of the court and an explanation of what happens where and when.the judge invited me to sit in whilst he dealt with a particular case of someone trying to get money from the defendant and wrightly so.i was gobsmacked at the smooth running of the procceedings that was administerd by the judge.after the case i approached and thanked him for letting me sit in during the case.your welcome he said, is there anything that you wish to ask me.he told me that when i represent myself if the defendant provide a legal bod they will not be permitted to bully or intmidate me in any way during the hearing.all the fears of going to the court have completley gone now and i reccommend that you do take this sites advice and pay the court and the judge a visit just like me.what a positive experience this was from judge chesterfield, i hope this post helps all you guys and girls out there.kind regards to all you (fellow bankcharge fighters)kenny ward.
  15. dont despair.i too i had a very similair experience with these scumbags.i ended up with huge debts and divorced but at least i kept the house by the skin of my teeth.also i became a single dad so at least i had the jewel in the crown. things will improve but you have a lot of support from the fantastic people who run this site and otherswho have sufferd too.if it is of any concellation please remember(THAT REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD)stay strong and resolute.kind regards.kenny ward (fellow bankcharge fighter)
  16. thanks for that bit of sound advice.wouldnt it be great for the enemy to try and explain in detail how they accrued every single charge plus compounded the interest and for me to point out that all of there unlawfull actions very nearly bankrupt me and at one point contemplated the ultimate sacrafice.i am sure i am not the only person to suffer such agonies.kind regards kenny ward (fellow bankcharge fighter)
  17. well thanks for the advice,i will change the amount tommorrow when i sit down with the solicitor.i am a little concerned that it will go over the 5k limit if i add the interest aswell.do you think it would be a good idea to make another claim when i win this estimated amount . kind regards kenny ward(fellow bankcharge fighter)
  18. yes the nat west cashed the tenner straight away then sent me a letter asking for the money again.sent the evidence to them of the cashed checque from my bank account.another stalling tactic i believe.i am just about to spend the best £50.00 quid ever as a local solicitor is gonna fill out the claim form for me.i cant wait for my date to be set with nat west in court.i can just see it now,all of those cockroaches beggining to get smeared in insect repellant.sorry if i sound bitter and twisted,but i am. kind regards. kenny ward.(fellow bankcharge fighter)
  19. well done fallen 404.SENT MY LETTER BEFORE ACTION recorded delivery.Hope the letter will make them all spit out there bagels @ the breakfast meeting.To give all the(fellow bankcharge fighters) my current status. recoverd from halifax £382.42 so far Going to look at the last 6 years and demand every penny + %. In the proccess of recovering 4 to 5k from them other scumbags who made my life a misery for so long.STAY STRONG AND RESOLUTE ALL FELLOW FIGHTERS.Kind Regards. Kenny Ward.
  20. Nat West are at this moment 27 days late after the 40 day period for a subject access request I have sent in, my letter of intent is being sent tommorrow and I have picked up two info packs on how to claim from my local county court. They were very helpful and said that they would go through the completed form with me so as to make sure of no mistakes. Although I don't have any exact figures (I think I will be looking to claim between 4-5 thousand pounds, estimated) until they give me the info I can't be certain. I have a letter written from their credit managment services dept saying that the account should have been handed over to them much earlier from the branch, then so many charges would not of been applied. If this is not an admission of guilt to the money generating racket that these parasites all contribute towards then I don't know what is. Anyone got any advice for me before I lock horns with the nat west. kind regards to all (fellow bank charge fighters) Kenny Ward.
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