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  1. We have our meetings quarterly in London. I am based in the Devon so most of our contact is via email or telephone. I did contact Senior Officials as soon as I found out about the emails that were sent tot them and expressed my concerns about being undermined at such an early stage in my role as the Rep. The tone of their reply was not helpful at all and that is why I have been forced to go down the official route with my employer
  2. Hello there I can confirm I am a certificated IR Rep and I have been on one course so far. Am down to go on some more courses early 2013. The problem I have is that this previous Rep had built up a long term relationship with these senior union officials and they have been unable to to back to back me and have ignored all my requests for advise.
  3. Hello HB Yes I have an email trail going back to march of this year. I have requested a SAR from my local data team for any emails that I have not been copied in on and am awaiting the results. Since I became the union rep in my workplace in July of this year his wife ( Our union H&S rep ) has complained to senior union officials alleging I am not acting for all the work force which is again untrue. These emails to senior officials which are blatant lies I only found out about from another rep and I have been very disappointed with the lack of concern or reaction from these senior union officials. It feels like they are against me because I challenged and organised his ousting as the union official.
  4. 8 months ago I challenged my union official over his confrontational behaviour to other work colleagues. This did not go down well with him and so began his emails to my manager about my alleged poor work ethics.Prior to my challenging him I never had any complaints about my work. Finally I organised a vote of no confidence and he was ousted as the union rep and I was elected in his place. As you can imagine this did not go down well with him and at every opportunity he would send an email to my manager complaining about me. A lot of these emails I was not copied in on. After 8 months I had enough and I am now off sick with work related Stress and Anxiety. I have now lodged a Grievance against him, but as I am a civil servant this procedure is very slow. Can someone advise me as to the definition of work related email harassment and what rights I have. My management appear to be not taking this situation seriously and I am at my wits end.
  5. Thank you for your reply. Easier send than done. I have been trying to pay back my unsecured debts for over four years and have informal arrangemeents with all my creditors. I thought that there were some cvompanies out there that charged a percentage point or two above the base rate.
  6. Yes it certainly is a minefield. I have had an informal arrangement for over four years now. All are showing on my credit file. I have reclaimed the ppi. I feel that i should pay back these debts, but unfortunately due to unforeseen financial restraints i am unable to fully satisfy them. This offer from a family member is only on the table with the proviso it clears the majority of the unsecured debt. Not sure as to what to say in the f&f letter. I am not the best at writing offical sounding letters.
  7. i have been offered a lump sum to pay off my unsecured debt, but the settlement figure works out to 20% of the debt. Would DCAs except this figure
  8. Hello allDoes anyone know a reputable company that will give a mortgage to someone with a poor credit rating RegardsGolfillini2
  9. The loan is in default and yes i think the total balance is within the original terms.Is there a way to get the interest removed since the default came into play
  10. Hello PhilMoorcroft sent me a payment book sometime ago, so i presumed they now held the debt.I shall be writng to them to confirm who actually owns the debt.Santander does show all my payments from moorcroft. It shows full balance with the interest added on.No ppiRegardsGolfillini2
  11. I have had all interest stopped on my other accounts that i owe to creditors. I thought that once the account was passed to moorcroft then the interest is stopped.It does show on my cra and the original oc is santander.golfillini2
  12. It is a unsecured loan that was passed to moorcroft over 2 years ago. I have an informal arrangement with moorcroft and i pay an agreed monthly amount which i have not defaulted on. Yesterday i received a yearly statement from santander which showed they have added a years worth of interest. I was of the understanding interest had stopped being added once moorcroft took over the debt. Can santander still add interst to my account and if so what can i do to stop them doing this. It is very frustrating as the debt is not reducing, so what is the point of paying i might as well go bankrupt
  13. Hello All, I have a unsecured loan with Santander that was passed to Moorcroft quite a while back. I have found out recently that Santander is still adding interest to this account. I thought that once my account was passed to a dca then all interest is stopped. Can osmeone enlighten me please Regards Golfillini
  14. Mortgages Hello AllDoes anyone know a reputable mortgage company that will lend mortgages to people like myself who have defaults on their credit file. They have been on my file now for 4 years.
  15. Hello all thank you for your replies, I am of the same opinion as squaddie. Anything over contracted hours should be classed as overtime with the same overtime rate as full-timers. In my case the part-timers do not do voluntary overtime and are expected to stay and finish a job that has begun prior to their finish time.
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