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  1. Thank you for replying, I have never done anything on-line before, not even facebook? I am so glad you are in the position to take on Cunningham Lindsey, and would be more than happy to furnish your freelance journalist with information. Please keep us informed, of your progress. I do not know how people contact each other off-line? or even if this is allowed? If it is OK, can you kind people at the ‘on line team’ let me know what to do if not please accept my thanks anyway. M2lou, We wish you all the luck in the world.
  2. Hi, Well done, I think that there will be allot of people wishing you look. We have just joined and are so glad we did, as we thought that we were the only ones with a problem. We are just at the stage of looking for a good solicitor (must be legally funded or no win no fee) we have been fighting with all bodies concerned in our insurance claim and in particular Cunningham Lindsey for, 4 years. Just to give you a snippet of what we have been through and as a direct result of there action (or inaction), our home has been repossessed (although not yet taken back), we have both suffered mental breakdowns and my husband has tried to take his own life (no less that 3 times). We have now decided we must take them on as we have nothing left to loose. If anyone knows of a good solicitor, who takes on cases such as ours in the North West of England please let us know.
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