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  1. Hi all A note on our DMP & Online Debt Remedy / Option Resource if this is ok A few weeks ago the system underwent a fairly substantial upgrade Since the upgrade we have had a fair amount of feedback, most of which has been very positive If anyone wishes to contribute on the feedback front, either positive or negative it would be taken in a much appreciated manner. Our online system continues to be a success for the bureau and for our clients especially and is available FREE for anyone to use. We continue to progress the system and will always try to keep people informed the best we can. A big thank to you everyone who has already helped us here at North East Derbyshire Citizens Advice Bureau x Amy NED-CAB
  2. Hi Nick Thanx for the update Their details on the MAS website! We are keeping a very close eye on these DMP protocol developments too X A
  3. Hello Nick Thanx for the information link and positive comments on self help, we shall all have a read over at North East Derbyshire. A
  4. Hello Nick Advertising by any form does not come cheap, what the TV & newspaper costs are is anyones guess, have you any info on the costs of TV & newspaper adverts to give us some idea? I saw you at the MALG yesterday and heard you talk a few times, the last workshop on Universal Credit was entertaining at the back there (I was on the front row but we could hear everything), best part of the day really, especially when the panel called time on the last excahange of opinions, also it made us laugh a bit on the long train journey home A
  5. Hi The new CCCS site has certainly changed some, looks fine to us, a tad familiar in places though guys, tongue in cheek she says:) we cannot see an online self administered debt management plan in there though guys, maybe we have missed it. Best wishes to CCCS and hope it helps those struggling in debt The mymoneynedcab site is set for further developments soon so keep an eye on this space A
  6. Hi Nick Thank you for the kind words and praise Mr Pearson Our system is working very well for both our advisers and clients and has a number of clear differences to the ones you mention. There are more developments and plans in the pipeline Once again thank you for the positive words A
  7. Hi Nick Thank you again I will be leaving the office shortly, so I will try to be back on tomorrow No reason to telephone you, I am happy to discuss on this forum that we have both been allowed to post on. A
  8. Hi Nick Thank you for replying Reading through youre post I feel more puzzled than before if I am honest. The way I read it there does seem to be contradictions in there and what figures do you advise / use for bankruptcy and IVAs? Also....your client group??? Can you clarify before I come back on this? Sorry I cannot speak for MSE A
  9. Hi I agree with you The ideal situation as far as advice and support is concerned would be access to the internet, telephone and a local walk in agencies but in some areas this is not available or possible and could get more scarce if some of the proposed cuts are anything to go by. Where people are struggling finacially and otherwise it can seem like everything and the world is against you at times, awful situation really. A
  10. Hi there Nick, I hope all is well with you Just to introduce myself, I am a debt advice casworker at NE Derbyshire CAB. Thank you so much for showing an interest in our new debt advice resource and online debt management plan. The feedback we have had to date has been generally excellent and is appreciated. To keep you updated our new system is working well with both advisers and clients and we are very pleased with how things are going at the moment. Along with the obvious we are finding that the new system looks like turning out to be a great help with our most vulnerable clients including were we work with other support agencies and at outreach sessions etc. We are noticing other possible uses too and the site is being developed further. More CAB branches and other agencies are also showing a real interest in using the new debt resource so it may become more widespread in time. The new system is FREE and available for anybody to use and there are guide figures to follow if necessary hopefully to makes things easier. If you have any further questions or querys on the new resource then I might be able to answer or help. Oh, just one other thing, I am a little puzzled by your explanation of the CFS acceptance and trigger figures etc and you might wish to elaborate a little on these as I am willing to learn like anybody else. Hope to hear from you soon Nick Thanx again for you time and input A PS I hope the CAG site owners and moderators do not mind me posting on here as a CAB adviser, please let me know if there are any issues or problems as I will fully respect your decisions.
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