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Everything posted by Xxsarahxmx

  1. This is my first time as well, I've had the same txt messages, I've phoned them up on the number they give and it Jst rings and rings and noone answers, when they finally do answer I got someone who hung up on me as I told them I couldn't pay it as I'm on a debt management programme, now capital fianance one have received payments from my debt company, but they say it's not enough and don't legally need to accept payments, I phoned this number up again after more threatening txt messages and they said the amount that they are receiving is fine as its regular payments being made. I then got another txt last night rang them up finally manage to speak to someone and they said that they want more, I phoned up my debt company told them the name of this company and my debt company said they don't handle this company as they don't receive payment by cheque so how comes they've accepted my payments so far so confussed
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