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Everything posted by Murgy

  1. Hi Maudsley its Murgy, thanks for your reply. I hoped to pm you but rules are pm to site admin only until 10 posts have been made. As I have only made 1 (2now) maybe you can pm me with your contact details and I will reply to you direct with mine. If you are willing to act as a conduit that would be great - the more of us presenting a united front the better. Thanks Pete.
  2. I too am a worried investor with the Telos Lakeview project. I am very fortunate to live in Cornwall some 30 miles away from Lakeview so have visited the site several times over the years prior to investing. When I made my investment all looked good, detailed plans, impressive scale models to view, a promise of a modest but realistic 6% quarterly return on my investment with full insurance in place should the venture not be completed. If the venture reached its full potential there were good returns for the early investors. Following my investment on 22nd July 2010, I received a written receipt but no details of the insurance despite several requests. I received a couple of quarterly interest payments (albeit late) direct to my bank. I have communicated with Mr Redman on several occasions regarding the late payments, he has usually replied promptly with apologies stating the company has been waiting for further funding. The last reply I received from Mr Redman was on 13th October last year since then despite several further attempts I have not received any communication from Mr Redman or anyone connected toTelos IOM. I would welcome the opportunity to join a group of fellow investors with the view of obtaining answers to what has happened to our money. If suitable answers are not forthcoming, I feel the serious fraud office should be contacted. I am not in the position of investing via a mortgage on my property as I understand other investors have been persuaded to do but my investment still represents a large part of my future retirement fund, money I cannot afford to lose. Thanks Pete.
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