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Everything posted by selbylass

  1. Hi Just to give you an update. I still haven't had any reponse from Halifax but the photographer from Metro & Daily Mail have been and I've emailed copies of everything to the relevant people from the above. Metro are waiting for the Halifax to get back to them on a point they seemed to be unprepaired for. I hope there isn't something I've missed; I have a feeling they are now scrutinising for loopholes.
  2. Wow, they are big increases. I know the guy in claims at Halifax said premium increases were directly related to the risks, i.e claims history, postcode and average prices vets in the area charged. Billy's claims were fairly small (about £400 p.a.) and we live in a very rural area. Maybe that's why mine seem so reasonable. I really hope you keep your cover and M&S don't do to you what Halifax & Loyds TSB have done.
  3. I've just opened a letter from Agria (the underwriters). They've explained that there are 3 parties involved. I/we bought the policy fom Halifax, they 'introduced' clients to BDML, BDML were then allowed to arrange pet insurance policies using the Halifax brand BDML entered into a separate arrangement with Agria to providing the underwriting capacity for the Halifax scheme and I quote, "for new policies added and existing policies renewing during a 3 year period starting in September 2008. When Halifax made the decision to withdraw they also withdrew permission for BDML to issue new pet insurance contracts and renew existing contracts using the Halifax brand name. As a consequence there was nolonger a sheme for Agria to underwrite but we continue to meet our obligations to BDML and in turn to Halifax customers to underwrite individual customer's policies until their current years insurance runs out." He goes on, "With no direct connection to Halifax, we have not been made aware of the reason why Halifax have withdrawn from the market other than what has been put in a range of FAQ's "Halifax constantly reviews its insurance products to make sure they remain competative and following thses reviews it has decided to withdraw from the pet insurance market". I also understand that Halifax have said they want to concentrate on their core products." He notes from the copy of the letter I sent him from BDML (to me informing me of the withdrawal, etc) that it states that Agria decided not to offer renewal terms to Halifax customers and explains ."The reasons why we cannot offer renewal is because there is no longer a scheme for us to underwrite and with no direct connection with Halifax, we have no authority to issue insurance contracts using their brand or directly offer insurance to their customers. I would like to confirm that Halifax did not contact us with the view to continue to offer insurance for their customers." He goes on to give me a name & number. Is he saying if Halifax gave their permission they could offer alternative/similar policies without the Halifax brand?
  4. Hi Surfer01, I don't know what to say to you. Billy was 18 months old when we took out this policy. It was rated one of the best on the market at the time, by an independent market researcher, and I never for one second throughout the 6 years would have thought Halifax, a big bank, would have done what they have. I have a 14 month old bitch but I'm insuring her with petplan. It's more expensive than others but it's the only one I can find that 'guarantees in writing' life-time of the pet.
  5. I didn't send it to admin. Maybe you haven't got mine then. Do you want me to sendit again to admin? Billy's policy premiums: Feb 2006-2007 £151.22 + £50 excess Feb 2007-2008 £153.71 + £50 excess Feb 2008-2009 £166.71 + £50 excess Feb 2009-2010 £199.34 + £60 excess Feb 2010-2011 £231.01 + £100 excess Feb 2011-2012 £363.25 + £75 excess + 20% costs.
  6. No. I've had the policy 6 years but I put the last post as an addition to the about the 20% costs before I read yours about previous costs. I'm going through thev papers and I'll post them in a minute. Your other question about M&S rates: no I haven't seen it. Guessing mine wasn't so bad then?
  7. I replied to your email but it bounced back. I sent it again (after slightly changing the address) and it's showing as sent!
  8. The premium also went up from £231.00 (with a excess of £100) in Feb 2010-11 to £363.23 (with excess £75 + 20% costs) even though the claims in 2010-11 year only came to: £288.47 less the £100 excess.
  9. Hi, the 20% was only introduced last year it was listed as a significant change on my policy and they sent a enclosure with my documents telling me why they had introduced 'co-insurance'; basically because Billy had reached 6 years or older. All Feb 2010 - present claims have had the 20% applied.
  10. Sorry to be a pain - but I didn't think it could get any worse! Took Billy to see his Vet & she is going to do me a prediction of Billy's future medication costs in association with his Bradycardia. She also put my mind at rest regarding any possible future diseases/illnesses being discarded by an alternative Insurance provider because they might argue they're indirectly related; but that's not really relevant. She noticed Billy's hair on his back is thining and feels this, a long with a couple of other minor symptoms, could indicate a serious underlying cause. Now, Billy is a very highly strung little dog (ever since his experience at Chestergates when they did all the tests and he came home looking like something out of a vivisection lab) and unfortunately she had to muzzle him while a nurse held him down to take blood from his carotid vein in his neck. He seemed OK until we were on our way home and he had two massive grand mal seizures; one after the other. We rushed him straight back and she gave him diazepam. This was at 5:30pm. He's been okay since and appears settled now but I was left with a hefty vet bill of £165.00 and now I'll have two more 'pre-existing' conditions that showed signs before I could take out another policy. The excess on is current policy is £75.00 plus 20% of the costs of any new condition (Halifax only brought the 20% in last renewal but I let that one go). Should I put in a claim to Halifax? His policy would have been up for renewal on 10th Feb.
  11. Okay..., Just had the conversation with the woman from BDML. Basically it was a courtesy call thanking us for the letter of complaint and to inform us that she has replied with the appropriate complaints procedure and addresses for Halifax and Agria as well as information on the Financial Ombudsman. I told her I'd already written to them and she asked f they'd replied. I told her 'No' but I only posted the letters Thursday. Taking into account that I know these calls are recorded; I believe she was as helpful as she could have been. I told her I didn't understand why I was instructed to write to BDML (who are the Administrators) and Agria (the underwriters) because when we chose the policy it was marketed as a Halifax policy and therefore surely they are responsible. Her reply was hesitant and I got the impression she was trying to be as honest as she could on a recorded line. Basically, she told me; ‘That’s the problem Halifax has left us (BDML) with. We have people with policies that have certain specific benefits unique to the policies that were marketed and sold by Halifax. By withdrawing, from pet insurance, Halifax has made it so we cannot renew the policies and underwriters will not agree to cover pre-existing conditions under what would have to be new policies because the Halifax have withdrawn their product’. I told her we were going to take court action against the Halifax and she replied, “I understand.” Now to take Billy-Bob to the Vet!
  12. Hi Bankfodder & thank you for your very quick response. Yes, I'm also very disappointed because I know there are others on a least one other forum. But from the searches I've done, and the information I've found on the web, I think this has been going on for a while (and I must live in a bubble because I was totally oblivious). Our pet policy must be one of the last to renew, and given they only gave 28 days notice to renewal date, it doesn't give people chance to fight it before their pets cover runs out. Plus the way they've done it, will have watered down the response effect, leaving people feeling isolated - like me. I'll let you know how the conversation goes with the woman who calls from BDML and also the vet consult, later today. Thank you, D.
  13. Hi, I've just had a call from a lady in BDML complaints regarding the letter I sent on Thursday about Billy's Halifax Policy (still no contact from Halifax). She won't speak to me until she has had permission from my husband (I originally put the policy in his name & he's back at 3:00pm) so she's going to call back then. I have a feeling she's either going to try to fob us off with 'excuses' or maybe offer 'a goodwill gesture'. What do I do? I don't want to appear unco-operative but I don't want to be bought off either. I'd already booked Billy in to see his vet at 4:45pm today. Many thanks, D.
  14. Hi Bankfodder, Thank you for all your advice; it's very much appreciated and I am in the process of trying to follow it. I'm trying to make contact with others in my situation and I've directed them here (I think). It appears some people were informed months ago that the Halifax was withdrawing from Pet Insurance and Halifax/ or BDML have only been notifying people 3-4 weeks prior to renewal due date (in my case last week). That means there's been a watered down effect, with regard to customer response, and probably why there was no 'public outcry'. I guess some people will have just quietly accepted it and gone elsewhere, and others have probably either already accepted a 'goodwill payment', or have gone down the route of the Financial Ombudsman. Guess we'll know soon enough. Meantime, I'll be getting on with your suggestions. Again, many thanks.
  15. Hi Bankfodder, thank you so much for your reply. You've already helped me more than you'll probably realise. In the letters I’ve just sent to Halifax, BDML & the underwriters Agria, I did quote the COBS principles 6, 7, and 8, because you explained it so well on one of your posts. I also wrote to them with everything that I’ve put in my post above including copies of letters web pages etc. I must point out, last week when I received the letter from BDML informing me of Halifaxs decision to withdraw, I was devastated and then quickly became very angry. I was totally clueless and felt overwhelmed but a search engine led me to your web site and I have to say a BIG thank you because all the insight to help me put the above info together has basically come from your posts and advice gleaned from some other threads on this site. I DON’T want a lump sum payout – I just want Billy’s insurance honouring. They promised reassurance and they’re taking it away at a time when he’s most likely to need future care (he’s 7.5 years). Can I somehow enforce them to do that? And how can I even start to get a quote for future health costs when Billy’s condition is not pathological, but the likely hood is, IF he does get sick in the future another insurance provider will blame his Bradycardia or the drug he’s been prescribed because it wasn’t a drug usually prescribed long-term? I will try to find other people with the same issues from other sites I’ve looked at and definitely point them to this thread. You’re absolutely right when you say they should be made to take notice. It saddens me deeply and I cannot help but wonder how many Halifax pet insurance policy holders will now face the heart breaking decision of having to put their beloved pets to sleep. Pre-existing conditions will not be covered by any new policies and the Halifax customers may not have the financial resources to pay for their pets’ ongoing treatment.
  16. Apologies in advance for the length of this... I’ve also received a letter from BDML Connect informing us that Halifax is withdrawing from the Pet Insurance market and the underwriters (Agria International Forsakring AB) has decided to cease offering renewal terms to Halifax customers. This means our beloved Yorkie, Billy-Bob, will no longer be covered for his Bradycardia. But it’s even more complicated for us. Billy was referred to Chestergates Veterinary Hospital by his vet in September 2008 because she thought she’d heard a heart murmur and his heart rate was too slow. At Chestergates he was examined by both a Neurologist and Cardiologist. He underwent most Biochemical and physical tests, including a MRI scan, x-rays, ECG, blood tests etc. Nothing was found to support a pathological diagnosis for his slow heart rate and we were told Billy’s heart was structurally sound. He was compared to athletes who often have slow heart rates. However, it was decided Billy, because he isn’t an athlete, would probably benefit from taking a drug called Corvental-D. (Corvental-D is usually prescribed to older dogs suffering congestive heart failure or respiratory problems.) The Cardiologist believed; although Billy’s heart was structurally sound, the chemicals in Corvental-D would raise his heart rate by approx. 20-30 beats per minute. Following an initial 6 week trial it was found Billy’s heart rate did increase and he was prescribed the medication long-term and discharged from the Hospital. I hope you can now appreciate the problems this is going to cause for us. Although Billy’s bradycardia was not found to have a pathological cause, it could be argued, should he develop any future diseases/conditions that they are directly/indirectly related, either because bradycardia is directly related to the performance of the heart and therefore systemic, or possibly due to side effects from long-term use or Corvental-D. This means Billy, although his vet assures me at present is in good health, is theoretically uninsurable for most diseases/conditions he may or may not develop in the future. How could I begin to put an estimate of future care costs together? We have been offered alternative cover to be provided by Petwise (owned by BDML- Administrators for Halifax eXtra) but is both expensive and totally inadequate for our needs and we strongly believe Billy-Bob’s Halifax eXtra ‘Life-long’ policy should continue to be honoured. I took out Halifax eXtra pet insurance 6 years ago after much research into the different pet insurance products on the market at that time. I chose Halifax eXtra based on the information provided on the Halifax website and because I believed the Halifax was a reputable financial Institution that offered a comprehensive, and I quote: ‘LIFE-LONG’ and ‘CONTINUOUS’ Pet Insurance policy. I purchased the policy on the 9th February 2006 via the Halifax website. I have copies of the relevant web pages on which I based my decision to buy the product. The information clearly states ‘life-long cover’ and even goes on to explain what it means by referring to “some pet policies stopping paying out after the first 12 months of treatment or only paying up to a maximum benefit per condition.” The information also states, “Halifax Pet Insurance offers continuous cover that is invaluable if your pet develops a long-term condition.” It gives the examples of eczema and arthritis as long-term conditions. On the web sites ‘Pet Insurance Q & A web page’ Halifax explains what ‘Continuous/Reinstatement’ means; basically reiterating the above. Further down the web page there is a question about advantages of direct debit payments and the latter part of the answer given, is, quote, “the annual premium is divided equally over 12 months. When your policy is due for renewal you can relax in the knowledge that cover will continue unless you advise us otherwise.” This reinforces the knowledge and belief that the policy is ‘Life-long’ and renewal is just a formality. Further down the web page it states premiums can also be paid in full. In my Halifax ‘Welcome letter’ dated 9th February 2006. They thanks me for choosing to protect Billy-Bob’s health with Halifax Pet Insurance eXtra and reassure me that I have chosen the right cover, ‘no matter what the future brings’. The ‘Pet Insurance Policy Schedule’ clearly states the policy inception date but for some unknown reason my reference number changed when the underwriter changed in 2009 giving a ‘false’ policy inception date. This was only brought to my attention when I called BDML last Friday in an attempt to find out how to contact the Halifax direct. The young lady I spoke with informed me my policy started in 2009 but was very helpful and after I insisted Billy-Bob’s policy started in 2006 she took another look. On closer inspection she found the first reference number and advised me to quote both references on all correspondence because the first reference wasn’t immediately evident unless someone knew to look for it. She advised me to write to Halifax head office, Agria; the underwriters, and BDML and to send copies of everything that supports my complaint. I did it today by recorded delivery. The only thing I can find that they could try to use is in the policy booklet it states “this is an annually renewable policy.” I’ve always believed the policy was ‘Life-long’ and ‘continuous’ while premiums were paid and up to date; and it was the premiums that were renewable because of rising claim costs and changes of underwriters. By the way, I haven't even received a letter from the Halifax. The only correspondence came from BDML informing me of the Halifax decision and BDML's offer of a new policy with Petwise that wouldn't cover pre-existing conditions. Billy's renewal should be on 10th Feb. Halifax have taken down their Pet Insurance page and have put up BDML's contact number. They have also had the once dedicated phone number discontinued.
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