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Everything posted by justwannabedebtfree

  1. Ok so here is how everything has gone so far!Payday express responded just saying they will take the interest. I emailed back, no response, and they took the whole amount this month! :(No responses from PDUK or wonga.PDUK ended up taking the interest payment.This left me with not enough to cover even wongas interest payment. However, after the loan with wonga defaulted I called them today and they were really really good! I paid a £50 token payment today, and have arranged a 4 month repayment plan with them at £204.12 a month. The interest is frozen and they are confirming this in writing to me. It will be a struggle but I just want to get out of this mess, I can then work on the final one. Literally have £50 to last me the rest of this month, but I hear tesco do noodles for about 6p so at least I can eat and still afford my train fare to work!I was so impressed about how easy a payment plan was to arrange once I called wonga- i was shaking like a leaf when I phoned. If others are worried like me, just give it a try and see what they say! Maybe I was lucky but it took no negotiation on my part at all really...he originally suggested 3 months but that would have been pushing it too much; when I suggested 4 months, he instantly agreed. I imagine I could have pushed for longer, but I just want to do this as quickly as possible.But thanks so much everyone for your great advice! You don't know how much it has helped me through
  2. Thanks guys that's really helpful. I will of course keep you all fully updated of what responses I get! Just been reading through lots of other threads and it just seems so hit and miss when you try and arrange payment plans. Some find it no hassle, and then others with the same company have a right battle on their hands! I am hoping for all of us that the publicity surrounding these loans lately is making them a bit more reasonable!Oh well, fingers crossed for this. Watch this space
  3. Hi everyone, I'm a new user here but I can see a lot of people in the same situation as myself. I've got myself in a right pickle with 3 payday loan companies:Payday uk I owe £437.50 Payday express I owe £400.00 and here's the biggie..Wonga I owe £850.00. Purely through my own stupidity which somehow makes the situation worse I haven't told anyone I know as I'm so ashamed of myself. I also know they are in no position to help me so there is no point causing them any worry. So it's great at least to have support on here!Obviously this is rinsing my wages and I'm not paying anything off! It's getting to the point where i have nothing left once I've rolled them over and paid the interest charges! It's been causing me many sleepless nights, I know a lot of you can relate to this. But I must say that all of the advice on here has been brilliant and I have just today contacted them via email to try and arrange payment plans.I have offerred each of them £100 a month, which I hope is reasonable. Well, it will have to be because I can't afford anymore! But thought I would keep you all updated, and any advice dealing directly with these companies would be gratefully received!!!!Guess now I just have to wait for their responses. I'm trying not to hope for too much. But I'm not going to give up!
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