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  1. Thanks Mate, I will do so and appreciate the common shared experience I have seen on this site - let's make the UK a fair society!!!
  2. Thanks 42man, Would appreciate a bit more information as to what grounds I contact the OFT as albeit I detest this firm, I guess I don't see what they have done wrong apart from pursue a pup of a debt!?! Cheers Aceman
  3. Dear All, I have filed for a set aside of the insolvency order and am told this will take 4 weeks before I have to attend a hearing - any ideas as to what happens in the hearing and what the next steps might be??? I think my grounds are good, however, I have no idea what to expect? Cheers ACEMAN1974
  4. Hi Lee, I really do not wish to be seen as cynical, but after over 5 years of being chased for money I believe I do not owe, you will forgive me for being a little so. Vodafone sold on this debt in (I think) April/May 2007 and therefore, the intervention of VF now makes me suspicious as this could potentially be done in order to make sure Lowell have additional information to "sure up" their case as the relationship between Lowell and VF is surely more important commercially than one customer who is a victim of a crime. I really applaud VF efforts to stem future issues and hope it helps others avoid the situation I am in, however, your compant still failed to cancel a phone and then pursue me for the bill - Your call records show a different story, but then they also show the new contract I entered into was on the basis of no disclosure of the bill. Worse than this is the fact on at least 2 occasions I was told the charge would be removed by your advisors but this was not done and you breached DPA rules in order to stop me getting hold of these calls - I even have the DPC ruling to this effect but unfortunately I do not have the money to pursue a private action. Let me have a telephone number and I will happily discuss. Cheers, Simon
  5. I hope he can but I have 5 days to respond to this order and therefore I need to do something!
  6. Thanks all and especially Lizbee, Lee, it would be good to hear from you also, however, as the debt is sold and after 3 years of battling with Vodafone over the phone, post and through the the data commissioner, I feel that I have been let down by the company and therefore would never use Vodafone again. I would add that the methods used by you and the people you sell the debt to are designed to scare, force and threaten people even though I have gone to some length to be fair. Despite all that, I want to say thankyou to all that offered advice and I will continue to defend this until such time as a court tells me to pay, at which time I will pay because, despite all my moral objections to this debt, if that is the law then I will obey (albeit begrudgingly). Thanks! ACEMAN1974
  7. Unfortunately, the advice above is correct, complain to AXA, then if no satisfactory response, claim to FOS (Financial Ombudsman - see your AXA policy for details). Usually, insurers either use approved repairers or ask for you to get estimates, their adjuster has no idea what builders in your area will require for the repair and therefore you should appeal.
  8. Use your insurance - that is what it is there for after all. Just make sure you explain the delay in notifying. A similar thing happened to me in reverse and I was surprised at the actual damage once investigated! The other party will therefore have to claim on their insurance and their insurer will get in touch with yours.
  9. If there is any duty on your insurer to provide ongoing cover (and there may be if that is written in the policy terms) then that duty rests with UKI who are an insurer owned by RBS. I would suggest FOS will be looking at this as I have seen articles in the insurance trade press on this exact same issue.
  10. Insurers generally rate on the highest risk named driver and therefore provided you are named as the main driver, albeit the policy in your fathers name you should be fine. Transfering the V5 is also another option. Also make sure if the vehicle is usually kept at a different address to the policyholders address, that your insurer is aware of this as that can cause problems.
  11. Also try Towergate who will insure some underpinned properties. If you believe the work done on the drains may have caused or contributed to the subsidence, then you may have potential for a claim against the drain company's insurance but this is something usually your insurer would do. One point to note is that if you were insured at the time the work was done and the subsidence was noted, you can still claim under that old policy if it has since expired. Subsidence is an expensive and complex issue for insurers so it is worth pushing all the options.
  12. This is not my speciality, but you may be able to argue that the flat is not fit for habitation and report this to the local council - this will also help if you plan to withhold rent as most landlords will have insurance they can use to pursue arrears, so having a dispute (rather than just not paying) helps! Hopefully, other than that you will enjoy your time in London!!!
  13. His insurance is technically invalid as it contains conditions around the licence and the condition of the vehicle and so he can forget any help from his insurer. This is however a "non fault" claim from his viewpoint and therefore he may be able to go to a no win no fee solicitor. The problem is, regardless of blame, the other party are going to make things difficult and therefore, no win no fee solicitors may not be interested as they only like to take on cases they can generally win easily. If he choses to pay for a lawyer, he may get some compensation if it can be proved it was not his fault but this could be expensive and potentially long winded. It is likely at best the other side are going to argue contributory negligence (ie it is partly your fault) For the cost of CBT and MOT all this could have been a lot simpler!
  14. Most insurers will accept a policyholder and registered owner as different people, however some may not quote so it is better to put the policy in your wifes name and you pay the premium. If you are the main/regular driver of the car, make sure your insurer is aware of this as this would potentially cause issues if there was a claim. In general, as long as you have declared the circumstances you should be fine. ACEMAN1974
  15. Thanks LizBee, In itself it is a comfort to know I am not alone from suffering from this relentless pursuit by the poo end of the legal profession. I work in financial services and so I have a good idea how most of these things work but I am not legally trained. If you are able to point me in the right direction re the disputed debt thing without too much effort, I would be grateful as there is so much stuff on the net from a number of self interested sources. I intend to get this petition removed, however I would sleep better knowing there were potentially circumstances in which this can be done - I am not a can't pay, I am a won't pay because it's not my fault!!! Aceman
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