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Everything posted by wombleingfree

  1. Could you post the process I need to engage with or the forms I need to fill out?
  2. I have a lot of conflicting advice on what to do about this. TFL said I can get all money from the bailiffs, and the money from the initial fine returned to me if I can prove I moved house. Bailiffs have said I can get my money back 'through the courts'. TEC said I cannot place an OOT statement. A pro-bono lawyer's told me to write a detailed letter to TFL outlining exactly what has happened and requesting details of exactly what process I need to go through to get my money back. I really don't want to communicate with the bailiffs at all. From my experience so far they are obstructive, antagonistic, and will say anything to get money out of you. I don't expect any help from them unless it's ordered by a judge or their pay-masters. If PATAS had replied in a reasonable time none of this would have happened. As it stands, I still have no letter from them rejecting my appeal, let alone demands from bailiffs and warrants from courts. It's like my life got turned upside down and I was completely oblivious. And all because I had the misfortune of living inside the CCharge and forgetting to pay £1.80, two days before it was abolished in my area.
  3. I received no letters from anyone as I'd moved house. I appealed to PATAS in February, heard nothing back, moved house in July and the first I know about any of this is a clamp on my car outside my new address. I had a note stuck to the car saying it was to be removed, if that's a notice of seizure? Never saw a warrant, just a receipt with my previous address on it. I've never been given any court papers either. I have no idea what a levy is and have never seen one. I might sound dumb, but this was all done in the middle of the night over the weekend and I had no clue what to do and there was really no one to ask except TFL the following morning who told me I could get reimbursed and the penalty 'reset', and the Police who told me that bailiffs and wheel clampers can basically charge what they like.
  4. This is the breakdown of the charges on the 'receipt' the bailiff gave me: Penalty charge and court costs: £374 Sending a letter £22.40 Levy: £188 'Other': £350 VAT: £110 Plus a further £1.50 for using a debit card, would've been another £40 if I'd used a credit card. Total: £1039.28 The person I spoke to at TEC said that I couldn't file an OOT as I'd paid, and that ended the courts involvement.
  5. I've been using ink put in with a syringe for years. No problems and costs a pittance.
  6. You could also back up to a USB stick. Doesn't the Xbox keep saved game data on its servers anyway? I seem to remember buying a second one a few years ago, putting in my username and password and all my old game-saves suddenly appearing! Better double check though. As for DLC, you can easily download all this again (annoying) and it wont cost anything. Your transaction details will have been saved and you can download a few times per-purchase.
  7. By definition I don't think any anti-abortion, pro-execution, anti-healthcare/welfare Republican candidate would be much cop. Of the lot Romney seems to be the least worst, with Newt being a particularly nasty and despicable option. Like Rick Perry, but without the looks and with quicker wits. Dangerous! As for Blair, I'm no post Iraq Blair fan, but I'd rather have an elected Blair for 12 years than the un-elected rag-bag currently slicing up the nation. Of whom the LibDem portion were voted for on an entirely false prospectus which was to the left of Labour!
  8. I used to live in the Western Congestion Zone and so had to pay the residents discount of about 80p a day in order to drive to work. The Western Zone was abolished on 25th December 2010. unfortunately I was not covered for the 23rd and 24th as I thought I was. This resulted in two Transport For London demands for two sperate fines. I appealed to TFL immediately, they rejected the appeal. I then appealed to PATAS in February 2011 and never received a reply. I moved house in July 2011. On January 6th 2012 I walked out of my new flat on Friday evening and noticed my car was clamped. I called the number written in biro on the notice plastered to the windscreen. I was clamped by bailiffs working on behalf of TFL. They said I could only deal directly with the 'assigned bailiff' who was on a mobile number and not picking up. Eventually I got through and he told me I must pay £1040 or my car would be towed, at my expense, then stored, at my expense, and then sold, if I didn't pay This was the middle of the night and TFL, PATAS, TEC and county courts were all closed. I called the police who said they couldn't do anything unless the bailiffs became violent and that bailiffs can charge pretty much what they want. I didn't sleep that night and spent my time posting on forums trying to find out my rights. At 9am on Saturday morning I called TFL, explained the situation and they said the bailiffs should give me more time in order to sort this out. I called the bailiff from JBW Group, who refused to even hear what I had to say. 'I've got a live warrant and will be round in half and hour. You can get your money back through the courts' Called back TFL who then said that all charges could be refunded, but did not specify how. Anyway, I was panicked and scared and so paid this bailiff. I called the TEC the next week who said I could not file an Out of Time form or anything else with the courts, as by paying, the courts involvement was ended. And that's where I am now. Saw a pro-bono lawyer who said, write to TFL. But I really have no clue as to where to begin in reclaiming my money. It's all very, very stressful. It's caused particular hardship as I was made redundant last August and had to use the last of my redundancy payment for the bailiff. God knows what would have happened if I hadn't had that. I've juts paid £1040 for a £1.80 underpayment of CCharge, it's beyond obscene. Does anyone have the slightest idea how I can go about getting this money back??
  9. I used to live in the Western Congestion Zone and so had to pay the residents discount of about 80p a day in order to drive to work. The Western Zone was abolished on 25th December 2010. unfortunately I was not covered for the 23rd and 24th as I thought I was. This resulted in two Transport For London demands for two sperate fines. I appealed to TFL immediately, they rejected the appeal. I then appealed to PATAS in February 2011 and never received a reply. I moved house in July 2011. On January 6th 2012 I walked out of my new flat on Friday evening and noticed my car was clamped. I called the number written in biro on the notice plastered to the windscreen. I was clamped by bailiffs working on behalf of TFL. They said I could only deal directly with the 'assigned bailiff' who was on a mobile number and not picking up. Eventually I got through and he told me I must pay £1040 or my car would be towed, at my expense, then stored, at my expense, and then sold, if I didn't pay This was the middle of the night and TFL, PATAS, TEC and county courts were all closed. I called the police who said they couldn't do anything unless the bailiffs became violent and that bailiffs can charge pretty much what they want. I didn't sleep that night and spent my time posting on forums trying to find out my rights. At 9am on Saturday morning I called TFL, explained the situation and they said the bailiffs should give me more time in order to sort this out. I called the bailiff from JBW Group, who refused to even hear what I had to say. 'I've got a live warrant and will be round in half and hour. You can get your money back through the courts' Called back TFL who then said that all charges could be refunded, but did not specify how. Anyway, I was panicked and scared and so paid this bailiff. I called the TEC the next week who said I could not file an Out of Time form or anything else with the courts, as by paying, the courts involvement was ended. And that's where I am now. Saw a pro-bono lawyer who said, write to TFL. But I really have no clue as to where to begin in reclaiming my money. It's all very, very stressful. It's caused particular hardship as I was made redundant last August and had to use the last of my redundancy payment for the bailiff. God knows what would have happened if I hadn't had that. I've just paid £1040 for a £1.80 underpayment of CCharge, it's beyond obscene. Does anyone have the slightest idea how I can go about getting this money back??
  10. The expenses system was introduced to keep MP's salary's comparatively low wasn't it? I'm worried Parliament will become even more of a playground for Oxbridge PPE graduates with huge private wealth. Not just the salary of course, when was the last time a frontline politician came up from the grassroots or unions? The fact the cabinet's made up of millionaire professional politicians is beyond depressing.
  11. I'm not sure how Ricky Gervais went from being the most embarrassingly unfunny thing on the 11'Oclock Show to being a global comedy icon?? Still. I've found his shows pretty funny, but would take Curb your Enthusiasm over anything he's done any day.
  12. If you've been with the company longer than a year then ACAS are worth a go. less than that and they're not much help and so Union representation could help a lot.
  13. When I waqs a teenager on Income Support some 20 years ago I was signed off incorrectly for a month due to sickness. Practically all I could afford was a sack of spuds! It lasted me three weeks. Mashed, roasted, boiled, au-gratin, chips. With bag of frozen peas and jar of Bisto that was pretty much all I ate. Probably not to be recommended long term, but if times are seriously desperate it'll do. And honestly, I never got fed up with them.
  14. Signed! This is legalised fraud and intimidation and has to be stopped.
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