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Everything posted by the_herbalist

  1. Looking for a bit of info and thought someone here might be able to assist, or at least point me in the right direction. My sister is a carer at a nursing home in Wales, she is currently around 29 weeks pregnant and has been told she needs to take sick leave (on SSP) as she is too high risk to be there in a f2f role. The only meeting they had was at 16 weeks, and no actual risk assessment has been carried out as of yet. An appointment was offered the same day as one of her hospital appointments, and when she advised them of this she was told that they "couldn't do alternative dates" and offered a telephone call instead (which my sister declined). She offered to work in the kitchen or laundry room instead, which the business also declined. It's my understanding that if a workplace can't offer an alternate role, then they should be suspending the worker on full pay, is this correct? Also last month the home only paid my sister (and some of her colleagues) for 12 hours each, despite them all being on full time contracts. When this was queried she was told it was because of a problem with her bank and not them, yet apparently the stated hours on the payslip only state 12. I'm starting to wonder if the home itself is having financial trouble and trying to get people to leave voluntarily rather than have to pay out what it should be, but obviously I'm just speculating with that. Any help moving forward would be greatly appreciated,
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