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Everything posted by millitant

  1. i agree with sharing information through goverment departments as a counil,local authority is local goverment. that is not the issue it is using outside private and commercial companies i have the problem with
  2. questions need answering 1/ do the credit agencies record searches and update their own records on data subjects given by the local authority 2/ do capita retain and process the data given by councils for their own use, ie, tv licence,csa for example
  3. why not waite for the offer of voluntary redundency
  4. but the question still remains what statute legislation allows them to do it my FOI request will settle this argument
  5. i do not want to put cold water on this but this "hot dogging" is irresponsable and putting the lives of the crew, let alone civilians on the ground at risk just for bravado. if it was a display team then fair enough, but regular millitary personel is just asking for trouble nice shots though
  6. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 I AM GOING TO SEND THE COUNCIL THIS AND WOULD WELCOME COMMENTS Dear XXXX XXXX Council After receiving your letter today in regards to the council tax single persons discount review, i feel compelled to do a Freedom Of Information Act Request. Can you please tell me, 1/ By what statute legislation are you relying on to pass my personal data without my consent to an outside commercial agency. (CAPITA) THE REQUEST ABOVE IS THE ACTUAL STATUTE LEGISLATION AND NOT CODES OF PRACTICE OR GUIDANCE 2/ By what statute legislation allows XXX XXXX Council or its agents access to my personal Credit Reference Files without my consent. 3/ By passing out my personal data to outside agencies, does XXXX XXXX Council receive any payment or remuneration by the recipient 4/ In section 1 of your letter, council tax single person discount review, am i obliged under statute legislation, and if so, what statute legislation, to divulge my contact telephone number or email address to XXX XXXX Council or its agents CAPITA. 5/ By what statute legislation are XXXXX XXXX Council in the above practices, are not in contravention of Article 8 of the Human Rights Act RIGHT TO RESPECT FOR PRIVATE AND FAMILY LIFE The right to a private life means that you have the right to carry on your life privately, without government interference, as long as you also respect the rights of other people. that personal information about you (including official records, photographs, letters, diaries and medical records), should be kept securely and not shared without your permission, except in certain circumstances. REGARDS
  7. Local authorities share information about ratepayers with other agencies in order to provide services and to prevent fraud. goverment agencies may be. not commercial i agree with this but what STATUTE LEGISLATION allow the local authoritu to use an outside commercial organisation, be it capita or the credit agency without my express permission
  8. what about the Human Rights Act RESPECT FOR YOUR PRIVATE AND FAMLY LIFE The right to a private life means that you have the right to carry on your life privately, without government interference, as long as you also respect the rights of other people. personal information about you (including official records, photographs, letters, diaries and medical records), should be kept securely and not shared without your permission,
  9. i understand the reasoning for it but i am after STATUTE LEGISLATION that allows them to say , scour the credit reference files without your express permission
  10. DATA FROM OTHER SOURCES AND DETAILS OF CREDIT APPLICATIONS MADE AT YOUR ADDRESS WILL BE REVIEWED IN THIS PROCESS. thats statement is ringing my alarm bells this stinks of data faming with capita involved
  11. i have just received a letter stating that my local council are checking on people who are claming single persons discount on their council tax. the council are using an external agency called capita local goverment services. now why does that name start to ring bells, tv licence for a start. (big brother again) it states DATA FROM OTHER SOURCES AND DETAILS OF CREDIT APPLICATIONS MADE AT YOUR ADDRESS WILL BE REVIEWED IN THIS PROCESS. IT ALSO STATES A TELEPHONE INTERVIEW OF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES MAY BE NECESSARY AS PART OF THE VALIDATION PROCESS. for a start where has the council authority to release my personel data to an outside agency, let alone do a check with the credit reference agency without my express permission
  12. we have two types of assignment. Absolute and Equitable Equitable = rights Absolute = rights and duties Many with equitable assignments still try to pretend to act as the OC with their impotent threats, rather than on behalf of the OC. a dca cannot claim contractual interest then until the assignment is properly served the easy way to check if the assignment is absolute and not equitable would be the dca is now updating your credit file, not the original creditor remember,only rights and not obligations can be assigned in law. assignments come under the Law of Property Act 1925 YOU NEED TO PAY PERTICULER ATENTION TO SECTION 136 OF THE LOP ACT 1925 Section 136 LPA 1925 is silent as to how the notice should be served. The default statutory provision is found under section 196 LPA 1925. It provides that if notice is given to the other party by registered letter and is not returned undelivered, it will have been deemed to have been served. This means that whilst notice may be given expressly in writing, it will not be deemed served unless it has been sent by registered post. THIS PIECE OF LEGISLATION IS GOLD DUST but it depends on the assignment, if absolute the original creditor has to give notice as well as the dca on any assignment but until the correct procedure has been followed the dca cannot claim any contractual interest from when the aquired the account The usual notice of assignment from a DCA arrives is the same envelope as their hello letter. It's generally a **** poor copy of the OCs own letterhead but strangely contains DCA barcodes and matrix along with obvious clues. these letters are no more than bog roll and can be challenged but please people burn the midnight oil on the LOP ACT 1925 before you go down this road or you will get burnt, its not for the faint hearted HL legal are also capquests pet solicitors for rent
  13. it is a legal requitement for the accident to go in the accident book this will go to a riddor the requirement is 24 hours after the accident, 48 if a weekend why has the health and safety rep not been consulted on this it is now a requirement that the route cause anaylisis is identified and measures put in place to stop it happening again is the mat still there
  14. they know all right, even if they do, statute barred is a cast iron defence the judge will not be to happy either if the FOS is dealing with it also you just have to keep pushing marlin in the end that state for a commercial reason they are closing the account down mind you you have to give them an e for effort, even though its clutching at straws as stated the default is not the cause of action, its when the last contractual payment was missed
  15. YOU NOW NEED TO SEND THE COMPLAINT UP TO THE FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN TO TAKE OVER their final response (marlin) is a condition prior to escalating the matter to the fos send the cretins a letter that you reject theirr final response and that you have put it in the hands of the financial ombudsman and that any demands or threats will be deemed as harrassmant until the financial ombudsman has made his decision also send a complaint to the office aof fair trading stating they are demanding payment on a statute barred debt end off
  16. but how can say £150 penalty ticket be consequential loss, how can a land owner justify that charge unless it is stopping other forms of revenue being attained, for which the land owner would have to show
  17. my own personel opinion will be that the land owner or agent will only be able to claim consequential loss that being say the charge that would be paid in a pay and display car park or how much you parking on private land has cost the land owner. the land owner would have to justify any charge as stated they are trying to recover a sum of money which bears no resemblance to the actual material loss suffered by the landowner. thats how i see it
  18. dismissed with no formal disciplinary meeting, written charges etc after an investigatory meeting if thats the case then i would assume a good case for unfair dismissal
  19. a reconstructed agreemrnt can be used to comply with a request under the cca 1974 the signature can be ommitted but it MUST BE A COPY TAKEN FROM THE ORIGINAL write back to low life and request A CERTIFIED COPY they have not complied with your request so the account is unenforceable look up HSBC V CAREY
  20. you need to go to your bank and fill in a visa dispute form, they will then contact co-op same happened to me it took about two weeks to get my money refunded
  21. would i be able to get a copy from companies house on request, no doubt for a fee sorry about the caps. i have bad glaucoma
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