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  1. This on the Nationwide Press Site - Announcing the deal, Graham Beale, Chief Executive of Nationwide, said: "This is excellent news for Nationwide and for our customers. We have acquired a high quality portfolio of low-risk mortgages with an impressive LTV ratio that brings real value to the Society. "Our new customers can take confidence in the fact that their mortgages are now being looked after by the world's biggest building society with over 150 years experience of helping people own their home." So - £1.1bn of low risk value to the Society, we can "take confidence" in the facts mentioned and also that we're likely to be stiffed by them if we do nothing because of TMW kind "concession". Letter to Mr Beale being written.
  2. and another thing - did anyone's last payment to the BOI on their statement increase? We incurred a higher charge for the payment made in December. No-one at the BOI can explain it! Plus, having come on to the 2.99 SVR the amount taken by the mortgage works is still equal to the previous amount taken by the BOI on their fixed rate
  3. ok, just getting up to speed on this and glad we're not alone. I too am absolutely livid about this and, having never missed a payment on anything to be expected to be grateful or the rate I expected "as a concession" is insulting. Will check out Twitter etc to see if anything is going on this, and MP as well. Keep us all posted
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