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  1. Hi, Ok so i left my job at the end of june and went onto income support but hmrc still continued to pay me my childcare and working tax credit, when i left my previous job incomw support informed the hmrc and my payment was reduced, this time round it never happened and i was still paid the same each week. I had to call the hmrc to give them a figure of what i earned and gave them the figures for 2010? Anyways i wrote a letter explaining that they had been overpaying me and before i sent that they sent me a letter explaining that the had checked with my childcare provider and that my child didnt not attend the nursery which ia correct as i explained in the letter yet they are still paying me the money each week! My housing benefit and council tax beneifts have been suspended and its getting into a big mess and im worried that now they will get me for fraud but i have admitted in the letter that they have been overpaying me! Everytime i call i wait for ages to spkto someone and my credit runs out! Im worried sick i dont kno what to do! Should i write another letter? They told me they would amend the payments by the 14th december if i didnt contact them but as i said i wrote them and explained and they never amended the payments! Obviously being on incone suport, having debt and being a single parent who gets no financial help the money came in handy what with xmas etc but i dont want to be that person who gets done for fraud! Sorry to go on but can someone pls help me im worried sick now!!!
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