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  1. How else do you go past parked cars?
  2. I have been accused by third party of driving on the opposite side of the road which one would not do unless you are out of your mind. Also there are no vehicles coming from the opposite direction so one would not wait to turn into your driveway so how do they explain that. It is quite obvious that third party got off from a parking position. Also a court summons may frighten dishonest people to come out with the truth. This is the whole point insurance companies are not judges and they are making these decisions A lesson for anybody in the situation is to get an independent witness and video the person admitting admitting liability on your phone.
  3. I have legal cover but they are not willing to go to court over it. They have said that if I do not accept their offer they are shutting the case. They have dragged it for 6 months and had decided as soon as the other party blamed me for the incident that they were going to settle it 50:50. Is it worth going to an ombudsman? Insurance companies seem to hide behind the fact that there are no independent witnesses and it is one persons word against another.
  4. What is PI? I have protected no claims discount. I have paid £600 excess. The legal department said it was a matter of £300 and therefore it is best to settle it 50:50. It has been suggested by my colleague that I should go to small claims court. I wish there was less dishonesty and that the insurance companies did their job. I am not sure how they can justify charging us such high premiums.
  5. 6 months ago I was driving to work when a car parked to my left attempted to turn right into their driveway. There were 2 cars parked behind that car and so I was driving along keeping a safe distance from these cars when this car turned. At the time the 3rd part admitted liability and mentioned that I happened to be in their blind spot. I promptly reported to my insurance company. The third party changed their statement to say that they were actually driving along the road and that I was overtaking their car in spite of them indicating right. The insurance company have accepted the third parties insurance offer of 50:50 saying its their word against mine and that they are not prepared to go to court over this as there is no independent witness. It is quite frustrating and I am finding it difficult to accept 50% of the blame when I was clearly not at fault. It is disappointing to see that if you are dishonest you actually get away with it. I requested the third party statement which states that they were driving at the time and had stopped to turn right. No parked cars are shown in the picture or no cars shown coming from the opposite direction for them to stop before turning right. Can this be my defense? Please advice
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