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Everything posted by jamezon

  1. P.S. The Skipton address (that I sent my original letter to) is the one on the original loan agreement.
  2. Hi, back for some more help! WDA have responded to my complaint saying they have partially upheld my complaint- 1) Yes, they will accept my payment offer, for 6 months, then to be reviewed and they require bank statements meantime 2) They are demanding proof of postage to justify not applying further interest My thoughts... 1) It is not appropriate for them to request financial documents to establish I&E as is not a secured debt 2) Their claim is I sent the original letter to their 'old' address. This is patent nonsense as it was signed for and was their current address at the time. I find this element completely unreasonable, even if I had sent this standard mail, surely that intent would be plenty for the Ombudsman? How on earth can I predict companies' future addresses? I may/may not have the tracking number but either way, this will only show a squiggle and will be of no 'proof' other than someone signed it. Any advice on the key issues above please? In reality if I were to do a full I&E, I think I could justify offering even less!
  3. Should I complete Wonga's I&E form to show 'reasonable behaviour' on my side, or is it fair to assume that my homemade one would be adequate? Ta
  4. Should have mentioned, Moorcroft continue to be in touch, despite Wonga claiming to have stopped collection activity. Their most recent letter (see, it can be done Wonga!) notes my payment to Wonga and says I should pay them. (Even though they don't own the debt and Wonga at the time hadn't handled my complaint.)
  5. Well, I tonight received an email (still no letter, despite my multiple requests for letter only) by way of response to my complaint. Please see below (my comments in bold)... We’ve investigated your case but unfortunately we can’t uphold your complaint. We have not received your letter of the 12th June 2014, however I can confirm that no interest has been applied to this account, other than the interest provided in your contract. A blatant lie- it was signed for and the complaint they responded to also included a copy. The contract interest includes the ongoing simple interest (over £100 extra)- I believe this is not permissible when I have contacted them to resolve? Unfortunately, a balance remains outstanding on your account. I note that you do not wish to correspond with us by phone. Or email, a point they have ignored several times.You might kindly note that you can set up a repayment plan, through the ‘My Account’ facility. No I can't- when I click on this I get a generic 'advisor will be in touch to discuss' message. When I could previously, it said I could afford We have applied a default charge to your account, which was incurred prior to your letter of the 12th June 2014. I can live with £20 but not the ongoing interest. In relation to your complaint that we did not account for your personal or financial circumstances, we cannot uphold that complaint. Not what I said- my letter and following complaint related not taking account of a changed set of circumstances. 1. We carried out a CRA search when you applied to borrow from us. CRA files give us details information on your credit history and also help us build a credit score for you; True! 2. We asked you for detailed information regarding your personal circumstances, and we sourced further information about you online; Patent nonsense- they ask very basic information. 3. All this information was used to carry out an affordability assessment before each loan was granted; 4. We asked you when you took out your loans to confirm that you could afford to repay those loans, and you indicated that you had considered this and were satisfied that you could do so; and Again, my ability to repay the lump sum value changed, this is the relevant point (ignored). 5. We gave you a copy of the loan agreement, adequate explanations and Standard European Consumer Credit Information Sheet prior to agreeing to your loans. You told us you had read these documents and these documents clearly set out the information about the cost of borrowing and the nature of our product. Our website and advertising also contain full information about our product. This is our final response but if you’re not satisfied with it, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If want to do this, you can within 6 months of the date of this letter. Obviously I'm not, as I won't pay an additional £100 or so of interest and I can't pay it all as a lump sum. Should I attempt to complete their I&E form as a gesture of goodwill and if they fail to agree to waive the additional interest and agree a repayment plan, then go to the Ombudsman? Or should I just go straight to the Ombudsman as the content of their response is only partly accurate, they have failed to take account of my circumstances and they have failed to abide by their own complaints procedure? Many thanks, as ever!
  6. Thanks Renegadeimp, I assume Wonga still own the debt as they are still in contact with me and claim to have 'frozen' my account for 38 days, although in reality it has been frozen a lot longer than that. I don't really know what the 'naughty boy' approach of disregarding my letters and continuing to send emails is meant to achieve. Are they really so narrow-minded as to assume they can hassle every customer into settling on their terms?
  7. So, Wonga emailed saying they needed to learn more about my financial position to set up a repayment plan. Even though their expenditure calculator on their website told me I can't afford to make repayments, something I have already told them! So anyway, I assume a) I can reject the request for further information (have already provided my own budget sheets) and b)I should determine what's affordable, not them? Also they continue to attempt emails even though I have told them that's unacceptable. Is there anyway to make them comply with a 'letters only' request? Also, despite placing my account on hold from collection, I received a call from Moorcroft under an hour after Wonga's email! Unbelievable. Ps. Still looking for help on my Moorcroft query above. Many thanks.
  8. So I have today received a letter from Moorcroft, giving me 7 days to pay/agree to pay. However, as expected the amount is far in excess of the original borrowing/interest (£684.34 vs. £514.99). I wouldn't refuse to deal with Moorcroft as a point of principle but I would not entertain the false value. Should I write back to Moorcroft explaining I await Wonga handling the situation as per my complaint or is it legitimate to ignore them until I get a formal response from Wonga? Thanks.
  9. A further mini-update...following me disregarding their telephone calls, they shortly afterwards sent a standard complaint holding letter (investigating, will issue full response, etc.). Have made a first payment directly to their bank today as laid out in my complaint.
  10. So we are 3 weeks after my formal complaint letter and today I have made the first payment directly to their bank account as advised. I would note yesterday (coincidence?!) they sent me an email 'notice of intention to register default' and today they have sent an email saying my debt has been passed to Moorcroft. Surely this is an inappropriate action if they have not responded to either my original letter, my complaint, and continue to disregard my demand that all communication be by letter? Am I ok to continue paying them meantime until they address my complaint directly and disregard communication from Moorcroft if forthcoming? Thanks.
  11. Just an update...issued a formal complaint to their complaints address last week. They attempted to contact by phone regarding my 'correspondence'. I disregarded this as I'd specifically said "writing only" on my complain letter. Have promised to pay as per my offer on payday if I don't hear from them positively by then and ultimately complain to FOS if no response within 8 weeks.
  12. This thread has diverged a bit so just thought I'd do a little update. Nothing by way of a response from Wonga, just occasional "you are accruing charges" emails. Have now complained formally to them, no response after a couple of weeks. Have promised to make payment this payday if they don't respond by then and complain to FOS if no response in 8 weeks.
  13. Huggy,thanks. These are different from those on the sticky on this site...is yours a current/agreed plan with Wonga?
  14. my understanding would be if I don't make an attempt to pay that would only serve to undermine any future chat with the FCA..
  15. That's partially my issue, I'm looking to confirm what those bank details are if they aren't willing to respond to my letter.
  16. Has anyone used the bank details on the sticky on this site for WDA recently for a payment/ Standing order...are they correct? Thanks.
  17. Hi as per my title, caught up in a multiple payday mess. One of which, Wonga, have refused to acknowledge the letter (they have signed for) explaining my financial difficulties and offering token repayments (£20 pm) on the debt (c. £540 inc. interest). Yet they CONSTANTLY pester me, 3 letters, countless phonecalls and multiple emails, claiming to have added over £100 to my debt in interest and fees. Can I 'force' a payment to them via standing order and then claim de facto acceptance of my repayment plan offer in lieu of a response or would I better formally complaining at their failure to respond to a letter I know they have citing my difficulties to repay? Cheers!
  18. Hi, just back looking for some more help. I have continued to receive emails and phone calls from WDA but no acknowledgement yet regarding my proposal re. a repayment plan. Can I attempt to force a repayment plan on them by making an s/o payments using their standardised details on this site (or any someone can provide)? I don't know whether I should formally complain re. their unresponsiveness pre- or post- payment. Thanks. I want to start making payments but i'm not entertaining the 'daily interest' they claim to be adding while all the while ignoring my clear letter.
  19. It wasn't a complaint I sent, just notice I was in financial difficulties and a proposed payment plan.
  20. So WDA have received my letter by now. No written response, just two missed calls ("sorry we missed you"). Also today a text saying "daily default" interest is being added to my account. I assume this isn't legitimate? Any suggestions on a next step... Should I write again and reiterate my intent to pay/proposed plan and insist account is frozen, or just wait until I'm in a position to make the first payment and contact them then? Cheers
  21. Got a text... "contact collections department...to avoid further action being taken". Not sure if I have a matching letter (away from home), instinct would tell me to avoid phone contact and keep everything written, would that be correct? They have obviously received my letter and I'm guessing are looking to bully me into some type of agreement/unfavourable repayment plan?
  22. Letters sent to bank and WDA, let's see what happens!
  23. As part of my proposal, should I state an intent to attempt to pay even if they refuse to accept my offer?
  24. Thanks renegadeimp, How can I secure my bank account against a CPA if they haven't previously used one, or can I only shut the stable door after the horse has bolted? I don't mind paying them the loan capital plus the interest I agreed to over a period of time but I certainly don't want to indulge 'fees'. You mentioned a repayment plan being declined, is this their typical first response to angle for the full amount as a single payment?
  25. Hi, I have been a sporadic user of payday lenders, primarily WDA for about 6 years now. Anyway, my latest borrowing was £750... a repayment of £937.50. Now I won't trouble you with the usual sob stories, I accept ultimately this is my own fault but... This level of repayment is too much for me, indeed it is >50% of my income. In the first instance, I have contacted my bank. They said "unusually", in their words, it is a Direct Debit set up, not a CPA, so I can (and have) cancelled it by myself...I simply can't afford to have that amount of money to come off in a given month. Where I need help...what should I do next? I intended to write to WDA, inform them I have cancelled, advise of change of circumstances (with budget sheet) and offer some sort of repayment plan? Does this sound right? Can I insist they do not attempt to use a CPA, add further interest, etc.? Also, what is the lowest £ value or % of my available funds would they likely accept as a minimum? I'm not looking to blame the Lender but my living costs have spiked due to higher work related expenses and childcare recently so I would really like to stop the rot. Many thanks for your help!
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