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Anne Elizabeth

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  1. They are awful people, preying on the recently bereaved! Yes, I will check if my husband had any PPI! Thank you all so much again. I'll keep watching this forum, you all do such good work! All best wishes. Anne
  2. Hello everyone An update on the ghastly Philips Cohen. Since they telephoned me on the 15th. January and I told them to go away, I haven't had any further contact! I just wanted to thank you all for your invaluable advice, as you helped me through a very stressful time, after my husband died. All best wishes. Anne
  3. Hello everyone. Yes, just an update, sorry, I meant to get back to you. I have had no further contact from Philips Cohen since they rang me up. I have been waiting to see if they contact me again - so far nothing! No doubt, thanks to all of your good advice! I shall keep you informed. Best wishes.
  4. Thank you Bazooka Boo. I just have a feeling they will persist! We'll wait to see what happens, I'll keep you all informed. Best wishes.
  5. Thank you dx. It also crossed my mind after I'd spoken to him that if the original lenders knew they had a legal case a nd were likely to win then they would have started court action some time ago. It was very much a coincidence, as I was going to write today to tell them there's no estate, will, etc., and to not contact us again. I would not give him my name and made it clear not to contact me again. I think he was trying to establish identity, as I told him, he has no right to that information, or to make contact. We shall see what they do next. Best wishes.
  6. Thank you. They do have an office in Manchester. I hope they won't ring again, as I made it very clear to him that I would consider any further communications harassment - not sure if that will put them off though!
  7. Hello everyone. An update. I've just had a telephone call from Phillips and Cohen! I have to say that he was polite though. They wanted to speak to my late husband's personal representative but I refused to give any names. He said they'd sent two letters, I said, "Yes, they're in the bin." he was quite persistent, saying that he needed to talk to someone with regard to the estate. I told him this information was personal and in any case, there was no estate. He kept saying that he needed to speak to a representative. I told him that I would not discuss this with him at all. He then said that there were one or two questions to be answered and then there would be closure and first could he go through some security questions, which I refused to do, saying I had no idea who he was and in any case, I was saying that this conversation was closure and would complain to the relevant authorities if any further contact was made. I would not have answered the telephone but it was a Manchester number and we do have relatives there. I wonder if this will be the end of the matter, or they will persist? I'll keep you informed. Best wishes.
  8. Yes, I wonder where the money does go? Unfortunately for them, there's nothing for them here! I don't think there's much they can really do, in the circumstances! They must realise that it's statute barred in any case, so as you say, they're just trying a con. Will let you know what happens. Thanks again. Best wishes.
  9. Thank you for your help. I'll write and let you all know what happens then. I'm looking forward to telling them there's no estate! Best wishes.
  10. Yes, I'm beginning to think to write and get rid of them may be the best option, even though I don't think they've any right to any information from me! I think that I shall write, very briefly and to the point, also making it clear that it will be the end of the matter and no further correspondence will be entered into. If they continue to pester me after that, I imagine that I should be able to make a formal complaint against them to someone? Many thanks again.
  11. My husband had no personal estate. Everything was in joint names, so the bank accounts were simply transferred into my sole name, as was the house, which was previously in joint names. So really, he left no estate. I did not need to apply for probate or letters of administration. His only "personal" possessions were obviously his clothes and a car on the mobility scheme, which has been returned. I've just been reading PC's website - they say they have a relationship with the Samaritans! Thank you for your interest and help. Best wishes.
  12. Oh thank you, dx. I'll leave it for now then. I do think they'll persist though. I'll keep you all informed of what happens. I'll probably write if I hear from them again but I don't want to start a paper trail with them, or it could go on for ever! However, if I make it clear, as Scarlet Pimpernel advises, that there will be no further communication, hopefully, that will be the end of the matter. At least it's costing them money with every letter they write! Just a thought - they say their clients are entitled to look into the estate! What a nerve! Best wishes.
  13. Thank you, dx. If you've experience of this company and you think it best to write, as Scarlet Pimpernel advises, I'll do that. I don't need to respond any further once I write to tell them to go away! Once will be sufficient, I think!
  14. Hello everyone. Just an update. I have this morning received a second letter from Phillips Cohen, addressed to the executor of my late husband. They say that they understand that there are many time constraints and pressures on those dealing with the final affairs of a deceased loved one and that their intention is not to cause any additional anxiety or distress! They say their clients, DLC, are entitled to look to the estate for payment of the debt. As they have received no communication from me, they are asking me to telephone them, to discuss the estate as soon as possible. Of course, I won't be doing that! I wonder if it is now the time to write, as Scarlet Pimpernel advised. My only problem is that I don't want to really enter into any correspondence with them over a period of time. However, if I write what Scarlet Pimpernel advises, hopefully, they will cease contact. I just wondered what your thoughts are on this. Thanks for you help. Best wishes.
  15. Thank you. I was just thinking earlier that this is almost Dickensian! "widow hounded by late husband's debt collectors!". It seems we haven't changed much since the 19th century! In fact, I've had so much upset with my husband's death and the deaths of my parents not too long ago, that this has now made me very angry! I've decided that I'm not going to be harassed and upset, grrr! I'll keep you all informed on developments. Thank you all again xx
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