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  1. Hi, that's what I thought they are meaning re HMO BUT the flat is not registered for multiple occupancy and there were never more than 2 people sharing it. It's just an ordinary 2 bedroom flat that had two students staying there with their own leases. I've been to the CAB today . I don't know where else to turn as GCC are talking about council tax for a lot of money.
  2. Hi. Everything was done right. Iam registered. The tenancy agreements state that Council tax etc due by tenants. I sent in my bank statements to Glasgow council clearly showing that they were paying in the rents. The Council say they won't chase the tenants because it wasn't a joint lease. This is what seems crazy. I just don't know where to turn.
  3. I rented a flat to two students. They had individual leases as they didn't move in at the same time. They didn't register for council tax exemption. They have left flat nearly two years ago and now I'm being told by Glasgow Council that I have to pay the council tax.if the lads gave proof that they were students all would be cleared up but I don't know where they are or if they would help. Any ideas? It's in Scotland
  4. hi just new to this. How do i get onto council tax forum? Not an easy site to navigate,
  5. Council TAx. I let out a flat to two students. They didn't inform Glasgow council of their student status. Have now disappeared and I'm being billed for two years council tax. I'm told I'm liable as they didn;t have a joint tenancy agreement. Any help please??
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