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  1. Hi, well I got a colleague to go with me in the end. They have dismissed me on the grounds of gross misconduct, because they say my 'call avoidance' has cost them revenue. I have since found out that there has been around 6 people who were also suspended and 2 of these have been allowed to keep there jobs. Which I think is unfair if they were up for a similar reason to my own an. I have decided to appeal the decision. I do believe they have done this to cut staffing levels as every temp has gone and the managers were definitely looking to get rid of people and they never wanted our team to join there's in the first place. My lack of training has lead me to this situation and the fact that they would not give us any training means they wanted us to fail. what happens in the appeal process? the disciplinary is suppose to be someone unconnected to the situation but it was one of the managers on the same floor as me just in a different team but they all look out for each other. The decision felt it was made before I even opened my mouth in there. Thanks again
  2. Thanks all for the quick response. Went citizen advice who said the same, I need to find a union quick. Can they stop me by saying they don't accept the union rep I've got? On your experience would you say I have a good defence? As I think I have but im not good at all this.
  3. Im new here but could really use your help! I have recently been suspended from my job at a call centre for call avoidance. They state that I was purposely avoiding taking calls, this is untrue. I have recently been integrated into a new team and have all new computer systems and policies to take on board and due to it being the xmas period those of us who were moved to this team did not receive full correct training, which the managers have stated they would arrange when the calls have died down. They state that when I am not on a call I am pressing the receiver button but not dialling a number which stops a call coming through so I can have time (receiver last 20-25 seconds) off the phones as no calls can come through and I can avoid them. The truth is I have been struggling since I joined there team and stated this on various occasions including a 1 to 1 with my manager literally 2 days before my suspension and disciplinary meeting , my manager( separate to discipline manager) said he would arrange more training and agreed we had not received enough. I wasn't avoiding the calls, I had unfinished work when I finished a call and I was avoiding pressing the unavailable button (this stops calls coming in but is monitored) due to the companies demand to keep the unavailable button time percentage below around 6-8% of your working day. I thought if I keep my unavailable button usage low then they wouldn't hound me about the unavailable percentage. This is my 2nd disciplinary in the last 12 months and worried they are trying to cut the fat off the company and chose myself. The other disciplinary is unrelated and to be fair was my own fault but I've been there nearly 5 years and don't want to be let go for this. There has also been lots of people leaving the company and all temps are being let go as well as the odd person just disappearing, my colleagues say its never been so empty due to company struggling. Any instant advice would be invaluable as my disciplinary is on Thursday but I may be able to postpone it due to not having a representative. I asked to take a friend in with me who knows her stuff but the rules say colleague or union rep only. I got my letter from them today and have till Thursday to find representation. I don't think a colleague will join me as they wont want to be targeted for further cuts which is understandable and they make it hard to talk to colleagues as I cannot go to the building. please please help. p.s sorry for rambling
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