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Everything posted by hoganknowsbest46

  1. Hi all Just a piece of advice needed. There are items on my credit file that are incorrect – how do I go about removing them?
  2. Hi all Bit of an odd one so I thought Id ask. My friend was getting calls from a company called Palladium who were recovering an unpaid overdraft/unsecured loan for about £17000 in total that had been with Barclays. He knew he owed monies to Barclays but not so much. I sent them a letter quoting the consumer act and an authority and they sent me back some stuff which had no relevance (no signed agreement, no relevant contract, just the terms and conditions of Barclays current accts!!). I brought it to their attention that they were in breach of the act, and that any more chasing of this debt would be classed as harassment. To my shock they replied and agreed to everything I said! They sent me a load of rubbish – apology for this- also they would close their interest in this. So what happens now? Debt is unsecured, over six years old (statute barred?). Will they sell it on? If they are part of Barclays will they give the debt back? As they are in total breach of CCA 1974 (and they have admitted this) does my friend have any future rights?
  3. Hi thanks so when you say its rarely given what factors go into the fact that it might be given then? (enforcement)
  4. Hi all Just a quick question..... 1 I have just checked my credit file and it states that my CCJ will be removed in 12 months from my credit file. What does this mean about the debt though? I have not made any payments in 5 years so does it qualify as statue barred if its a CCJ?
  5. Most of the debts are now with recovery agents from bank overdrafts and credit of all versions. I'm not quite sure I understand this statuate thing. I haven't made one repayment to anyone for 15 yrs. does this mean I ignore the debts prev to 2006? Won't they still keep chasing me?
  6. Hello everyone I hope someone can help! I went to university in 1997 when I was 18 and it all started then - bank accts with overdrafts (several accts as many offered massive overdrafts and credit cards), credit cards, store credit, mobile phone debt, student loans. As the years have gone on I have added to that by defaulting on other overdrawn accts, cheque cashing companies (as some cheques even with guarantee cards were rejected). I also forgot to defer my student loans so the repayment arrears have been passed to a recovery company. More mobile bills. I'm sure you get the picture. All unsecured debt. 99% being dealt with by recovery companies. Accumulated over 15 years. Now I need to sort this mess out but do not know where to start. An IVA would be an option but have just seen in touch with payplan who want details of every debtor. There are so many I cannot remember and do not have all the info. I started collating info from the companies sending me recovery letters over the past 6 weeks and have all the info from my credit file, and student arrears but that is all. What if there is more debt in my name that I cannot find out abt? Payplan said about the limitations act but what if there debt is more than 6 yrs old but they wrote to me say 6 months ago? That means I may not add them towards my IVA so after this is all sorted they will chase up their debt?. I'm not trying to ignore this anymore but want to get this all sorted so to get my life on track. Is an IVA even the best option for me? £60000 debt? Say it is can they chase me up for debt I did not know about? (ie if its really old but show some proof that they sent me letters?) What about debt from prev. addresses? I cant remember where I lived at in my student digs..... Could I advertise in a financial paper for any debtors to come forward? Any help on any of these points would be great!!
  7. No plan is in place. I want to pay off the whole lot in one full payment but am struggling with 2 things. Firstly if they offer me a small discount ( and they have ) what's stopping them coming back and saying u owe us the difference. Secondly I obviously want to achieve the best deal possible and also advice on how to remove this charge legally once I have settled. I thought there were companies out there who could negotiate all this for u. I found a company abt 4 yrs ago and they said yes we can do this but 10k into our acct - we will settle debt 17k and keep diff as out fee. Sounds great. Just need to put the money into there accts. They didn't look dodgy in any way. They had proper offices etc. - six months later I hear they are in administration. So is there a way out? Is there a way of gaining the best deal for this situation for me?
  8. Yes ccjs were put in place but as it was an insecure debt I just ignored it. I know I made a lot of ignorant mistakes here but wondering if there's any way out?
  9. Hey all I really need some advice. I got into some debt with my barclaycard (i was a secondary cardholder with my mother being primary acct holder) a few years ago and then things build up they defaulted. The debt was passed around a couple agencies but was stupidly ignored by me until a certain agency got their hands on it. Thy took a chrage on my mothers property. Im trying to settle with them but cant get anywhere - any ideas?? (debt stands at roughly 17k at the min) Also can I do anything abt removing the charge!?
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