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dazed n confused

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  1. Hi Sillygirl1, just wanted to say really impressed with your input to this forum and had given me much hope to deal effectively with minicredit.
  2. Interesting - I have been advising my son over this as you can read and calling minicredit today we found the receptionist unable to see any details of his account ie blocked. This may be as result of an email he sent the other day clearly stating his position, we await a managers reply to it. So perhaps his account has gone to DCA then, watch this space. I believe a DCA buys up the debt for a sum, can be as little as 10p in the £, then tries to retrieve it from the debtor so you could in reality negotiate a payoff perhaps much lower than what you owed minicredit, remember that, might not be so bad after all provided you can negotiate, stand your ground, at the end pof the day just tell the DCA not interested if not able to pay. They will then have to go to court at cost and may well give up at that point. Consult with Sillygirl1 who posts around here, she sounds as if she knows what to do.
  3. Hi SillyGirl, just looked on OFT site but mindboggling choices, where do I go to lodge my complaint about MiniCredit practices? Thanks.
  4. Hi all, well my son recently took out a loan with this outfit and I have taken up the 'reigns' now. Asking around I have information which would suggest the only entitlement would be the value of the original loan plus 8% to payback. I have actually negotiated around three different settlements with them, none of which i agreed with, so suggests they are flexible and probably is only a matter of trying before they accept. Their charges are ridiculous. This came form a reputable source - *** name of fee charging DMC removed***
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