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Everything posted by silv.surfer

  1. They should have ALL their Books investigated - trouble is E H is too smart to be caught out and that is probably why those were scapegoats, to divert suspicion from higher up - I knew something would happen when the 8.6 million pay cheque got out. I bet she was hopping mad that it did. So had to point the finger elsewhere. Whose to know if there was a pay-off for taking the fall.
  2. I agree 200% odset my definition of Respect exactly - I have been treated with respect by all the people I have helped and their appreciation is what I get in return. How about if they put on the school and collage corriculem - no on second thoughts better not they probably wouldn't know where to begin - it probably should start with Parents - and that is probably where Respect is missing in the first place. A big Circle, where to start ? I would guess that your defination of Respect was taught at home - therefore back to background - close the circle
  3. Sorry antone if I appeared to jump down your throat - It is probably the fairly widespread absence of Respect for our Elders and Respect in general nowadays, I believe that is the basic reason for lack of Community Spirit. A lot of youngsters and some older people come from backgrounds that are completely lacking in Respect on any level so how would they know what Respect means. It is a shame that they dont want to learn or earn respect by not joining in anything. You get the same thing with Customer Services nowadays - If I get a Customer Service that makes extra effort I always ask to speak to their Supervisor to make sure my appreciation is recorded on their File. That is also Respect.
  4. antone I am assuming you didnt bother to read the rest of my Post although it was basically addressed to Nystagmite - If you dont call that Community Spirit I dont know what you would call it - We have made every effort to include them but They just cant be bothered. The only one that came forward was an Acute Dyslexic Vunerable Adult in that Block who was integrated immediately. He now knows that he can go to 4 people that are happy to help him with read letters and anything else.
  5. If Councils could fortell the Future they would make millions - what I was referring to was Community Spirit when 6 inches of snow fell over night in an area where it wasnt expected. Nystagmite I know who lives above me - I am currently helping the Vunerable Adult above (the only one on Work Prog.) who has managed to get a Permanent Part-time Job Himself after being Targetted and given wrong info. regarding signing off by Maximus on a previous 30 hours x 8 weeks Job that evapourated after 18 hours because the Company mistake getting too many people, so he was denied the JobStart and HB run-on etc. for this New Job - I have put a letter together for him to the Decision Maker to get this Reviewed and am now helping him to sort Low Wage HB & CTB and Working Tax Credits because as a Vunerable Adult cant sort it himself and didnt know where to turn for help, certainly NO help for him at Maximus - the waste of space !!!! When I have got that all sorted I shall go back to getting his PPI of 7 years Reclaimed where the Bank have been having him over. So there is no need to say they were handing out CVs because there were NO footprints outside there until the Postman struggled along. He even made a comment on their lack of help
  6. I have read elsewhere that TescoSS - and that is not Super Store think 1939to45 - perhaps you are too young - have had 1400 through on this Scheme but they point out - guaranteed Interviews - but only 300 got jobs. The only variation on this point is nothing to do with Workfare - before that was invented I felt that Fit people on JSA should be called on when there is a National Weather or similar problem e.g. Snow and there are not enough County Council pavement sanders then they should be told to help sand the pavements to stop the Elderly being confined indoors because they dare not step on the pavements. There is a large Elderly Supported Housing section in my road and it was other Supported Residents that sanded their own pavements outside. Not one of the Benefit Claimants went out to help. There is also no good reason why the same Benefit people couldn't help sweep up leaves in Autumn - I am 72 and I Volenteer to help maintain the Community Garden - on my own now because the other Pensioner moved away last year. In one Block of 9 Council Social Housing Flats opposite the Community Garden there are 1 at College, I Drug Dealer and still is,for 30 years and 3 Alcoholics, 2 living elsewhere, (none are on the Work Prog.) 1 in Fulltime Work and 1 over 50 that had helped me last year but has now got a Part-time Job - out of the 36 Rental Flats in 4 blocks only 9 have got Jobs. Unfortunately this scenario is replicated all over the Country. I dont agree with this Scheme being used by Big Business Bandits to enhance their Profits - How much would Tesco have saved with Workforce on the 1100 being free instead of NMW.
  7. Thanks flumps1976 That is more or less what I said, given the probable huge number of Reviews needed, mainly brought about by Providors Antics we have read about on here and elsewhere. He has just got a result from Low Wage HB but nothing from CTB ( Does he have to apply for CTB seperately or is it all one apply ) or Working Tax Credits yet - I know WTC take a while. He went in to Council Fri am - will find out more Sun Morning. Update later Thanks
  8. Anti Ingeus Count your blessings That is a very narrow escape That email is just an example of what they think of their Staff - Thankfully you dont appear to measure up to their requirements - Pushy, ignorant, self opinionated and Targets at any cost. If you are at all reasonable you would not have lasted very long - there are a few of them around - which shows that Friendly, Helpfull and Reasonable are not generally welcome long term. Congratulation on missing out you wouldnt have liked it and would have wanted out in a few months anyway. flumps1976 Update on My Neighbour - posted the Decision Maker Letter today - Recorded Del. including p/copies of relevant documents etc. -just fingers crossed now -any idea approx how long to wait ? When we receive a Decision Good or Bad I will try and assemble the whole Journey on a New Thread together with the Relevant Links you showed which were Brilliant Help - Thanks again.
  9. Has anyone on here seen the Daily Mail today Half of the work is sub-contracted to Charities so A4e receives millons in Management fees therefore squeezing Charities and sub-contractors trying to make a buck - That is why people on the Work Prog. are getting treated the way that they are to get enough targets to pay these Fees. Apparently there were 3 Tenders for this Golden Apple and because the other two had no background record it was decided to not include A4e previous 'abysmal' performance, and award 5 Contracts to A4e. They even received a share of 63 milliom in Termination Fees when the previous Back to Work Programe they were involved in was ended.
  10. It may be a DWP order regarding targets of sanctioning people ageed some people need it - but They dont get it - but they could at least do it on proper events and not target any Vunerable People who are easy to intimidate which they tend to do anyway. As a previous poster said 'What happened to HELPING People into Work ' Now it is chuck them out the door into anything and were's my money. An interview Maximus sent my Neighbour for was IT and he doesnt know anything about PCs - even had to get a buddy there to send me a CV email. Never mind it went on their Target for Interviews attended. Maximus are the cause of My Neighbour's problems - He got 2 week sanction for resisting Advances swiftly followed by a Phantom supposed 8 week Job that died in 3 nights ( break in JSA ) then He found a Proper Job himself all within a month but now has to apply to Decision Maker to try to get the Disqualification ( break in JSA Maximus wrong info. ) overturned. He was frantic with worry. If this is now the WP remit now the sooner it is closed the better - it is NOT working - Vunerable People can be suicidal not to put too fine a point on it. They bottle it up and with no outside help suddenly they are Gone !!!!! That is an event that will happen if not sooner then later and it will be no Accident !!!!! It needs a Whistle Blower Despatchs or something to let the Outside World know what really goes on behind closed doors.
  11. flumps1976 It isnt fair that if you know the rules of the system and when to sign-off they get away with it - and because he does as told he gets clobbered through wrong info. from Maximus. Even the Temp Agency said he shouldnt have been told to sign-off Before the Start day as told to by Maximus - the other chap hadnt signed-off so no break in his JSA, see below, they just deducted pay from his next JSA - the other guy has confirmed this - the other guy got the same Night Shift pay as my Friend. It may be less hours because it was all Night Shift so might be Night Shift Premium added - will see the pay slip Sunday.
  12. Sorry flumps1976 I missed that bit about writing a letter - I agree about the signing-off after 5 days / before 21 days - This is the whole problem. His Maximus Consultant told him to sign-off on his usual signing day which was the Friday Before he went to that Job on the Monday - It was Maximus that was the whole cause of the problem - the other one that was returned hadnt signed off so that one just reported the money received and it was deducted from the next JSA therefore No Break in other person's consecufive JSA, but because my Friend did as he was told believing that was the Law now did as was told - not having had to sign-off for last 3 years. I suppose He could try to get letter from Maximus admitting Consultant gave wrong instruction - however the saying ' a flock of pink pigs just flew over ' comes to mind as being a more likely occurence. I will get him to try anyway.
  13. Thanks means2end and flumps1976 for Your help :-D I havent got any JCP Benefit Papers for the Discission Maker address so will have to see him Sunday for that but do we write a Letter or is there a Form to send with Payslip and other bits from Temp Agency. He has had Phone call confirming he doesnt get nowt. !!!! Next stage Discission Maker. !!! Is there a time limit, it is 2 weeks since Signing Off for His New Job. I aim to pass on all info. I got on here and elsewhere so other people can see our Route which may be of use to them if the same problem. I couldnt find anything similar although my Neighour cant be the only one to have this Problem. See my quote below as to after opening My New Thread re how to shift info from here into New Thread so it can be found easyly.
  14. Thanks flumps1976 Wow that was fast Will look at his Benefit letters and snail post to that address - dont trust JCP not to 'Accidently ' lose it !!! - Is it a letter or Form plus relevant extras ? Noted my need for Own Thread comment - I landed on this thread from a Link from MSE and not being familiar with This Forum only yesterday found my way to Main Index and Benefits Section and after reading can see your point - my apologies to All for Off Topic on here. I can start My Thread but should I summerize original story and how could I show the info. that I have received on here for other people to see how to progress - I could take it over as quotes or is there a better way - only very recently got the quotes thing sorted - I learnt a lot from reading their Threads. - didnt see any other similar problem so would be good info. for others. Thanks for all your help
  15. Thanks flumps1976 Would Our Benefits Processing Centre be Canterbury which he phoned Tues. from the JCP internal phone line and is there a Form or is it a Letter that is required explaining the circumstances of the ' Break ' in JSA and that his previous Continuous JSA is 3 years, that needs to composed. I think something should be added about his Learning Difficulties/ Doesnt always understand completley as result of Teenage Problems. - (I dont know if on Medical Records - havent asked - delicate subject ) or as Doctors Letter if on Records. Does He have to wait for a letter from JCP saying doesnt qualify as told on the phone or can we go ahead as soon as Pay Slip, Time Sheet and P45 and letter telling that the Company didnt have enough work comes from Temp Agency, I have Googled Benefits Processing Centre and showed one 5 miles away as opposed to Canterbury 30 miles. but I think it was stll referring to local JCP's as Benefit Processing Centres Thanks flumps1976
  16. Tuesdays News Good and Bad 1. Bank His Authority for me to deal with Info relavant to Reclaiming mis-sold PPI - Sorted 2. Local Council - HB Change of Circumstance Form re Signing-off - Couldnt Comp Form as didnt have New Job Pay Details e.g. Pay Slip not paid yet - was given the Back Page where New Employer fills in and Stamps Co.Name and Statements showing JSA - Handing in Form Wed. then New Emp. pay thing as soon as got Filled out. As temp. until HB and CT sorted. He has to pay £15 toward Rent and CT frozen at Zero. Council checked JCP Screen and must have seen continous JSA seemed OK but I was not Fooled. 3. Visited JCP because worried about 26 weeks thing/ Agency Break -Effect on HB/CT Run-on and Job Start etc. - Had to use house phone to contact JCP Canterbury -Asked about the Job Start Grant (didnt ask question really wanted to know ( 26 weeks cont. ) The answer to question showed up THE BREAK as I guessed it would. So JCP said He doesnt qualify and gets nothing. I mentioned to JCP Canterbury that it could be disregarded if prev. JSA adds up to more than 6 months - His does 3 years Continuous. - Which link did I get this from cant find it now - Is the first appeal to JCP or go to Discision Maker Now He is getting frantic now - which route does He go now ? Thanks for all your help
  17. flumps1976 I have phoned the Temp Agency Mon and they are sending a Pay slip and P45 by post to take into JCP and it is possible that it could be disragarded if his JSA totals more than 6 months without that - the job was set-up by Maximus through the Agency - It was his Consultant that told him to Sign-off on the Friday BEFORE he started on the following Monday - the other one sent back hadnt signed-off so that one will still have HB and CTB and other Starting Benefits still available if HE found got a Job - and just the £128.88 deducted from next JSA When I said to the Agency that My Friend was sent from Maximus - she said 'ooohh typical - usual cock-up merchants they are just after their targets and dont care how they go about it ' So I said to her 'I will wait and see how this pans out and if all gets sorted I will go down to Maximus and sort out his Ha Ha Expert Consultant once he is out of their reach for sanctioning. Just out of interest what Areas does Ingeus operate in ? Seems odd that there are no posts about Maximus treatment All fingers crossed please for Visits to Bank, Council HB and JCP Tuesday - maybe any Results Tues evening Thanks for your help
  18. Thanks for the links It all comes back to that Agency fiasco and 26 weeks - when I said to him about the 'Letter confirming work no longer available etc' he said Agency will probably want to email not post a proper letter - email would be to my address, he doesnt have one - should I accept that and print off or insist on Proper Posted Letter. (Agency Head Office in Essex, we are in Kent) Is Social Fund mentioned in Benefits letter the same as Crisis Loan ? I think I should go with him when he goes to the Council to make sure he gets proper info. - after we have been to the Bank for my Authority set-up for me to handle him Bank Account for claiming back his PPI . I wont have any more News until after Tuesday Appts. Thanks for your help.
  19. I have just seen my Friend and it was apparently 24 hours not 16 - and he has asked of the Counter Staff at I think HB and yes at first look said he might not be entitled, but this is what I expected. - He/I will be phoning the Temp Agency Mon as said before for a letter confirming that work wasnt there to continue at the Company and I will be composing a letter when He gets the Temp Agency letter reguested but I need to know where he hands in the letter with a letter for Decision Makers at Benefits Processing Centre to reconsider and hopefully allow the claim - Should it be addressed to 'Decision Makers' and do you hand it in at JCP or post it to what address ? He has a form to fill in to take in to Council probably regarding HB and CT. on Tues so I have given him a list of the 3 things he has to ask about ( HB CT, over 50 Extended and Job Start Grant ) in present cirmumstanses because he will only get 1 weeks money of £109 (is week in hand still held back ) and will have to go into arears on Rent and CT. The Social Fund was mentioned in a Benefit letter from JCP if he will have no money but if this is the Crisis Loan he will have to pay it back so I dont want him to have to get Crisis Loan - If necessary and this all still goes pear shaped I will lend him Funds to survive until following pay and can pay me back in easy instalments. The Advisor at Maximus is worse than useless, not interested, and he had the feeling that they were laughing behind his back. My apologies for hijacking this Thread but His problems might be of help to others if they are unlucky enough to have the same things happen. Mainly I should have got the letter from the Temp WHEN it happened as Insurance Thanks for all your help
  20. Thanks means2anend and flumps1976 :-) It is the 16 hours and being told to sign-off by the Temp Agency that I think might be the problem because all of these Benefits and Start Grant etc. have to be 26 weeks continuous JSA and if they just look at his Screen it will show signed-off end Nov not 26 weeks, that is where his problems might lay. I wont see him until Sunday so dont know any info yet, but even if everything is going OK with Extended HB etc and Job Start I will insist he/I phone the Temp Agency on Monday and get a letter from them confirming their cause of the state of affairs - you never know it might come in useful sometime in the future even if not needed now. I also have read somewhere that Working Tax Credits for Low Pay will be increasing from over 16 hours to minimum 26 hours in April does this apply to Current receiving Claims or to New Claims after April - also Age Over 50 Extended Benefits will be stopped in April again is this New Claims after April or will current Claims not be paid after April - this would have been paid for 12 months under Current Claims Rules. He probably has already told WP that he has a Job - he tends to be very gullible and trys to do the right thing that is why he keeps getting caught out and taken for a ride - he is still going in there 1 day a week looking for Fulltime Jobs using their system Thanks again both of you - I will update with all news Sunday pm
  21. Thanks means2anend I found the links a bit daunting - I noted your point about getting the Temp Agency to write to Him or the JCP ? and send it to him incase they word it wrong and he Hands it to JCP -perhaps apologising that the Temp. Agancy had made a mistake in sending him to Xxxxxxxxx Ltd and having to withdraw him because there was not enough work for the last 2 people the Agency had sent, and that the Agency told him to Sign-off, and that he would be paid for the 2 nights /16 hours worked. How is that for wording - This was not from the WP it was an unrelated Local Temp Agency that he had Enrolled on - so he didnt refuse anything on the WP. just signed-off when the Temp Agency told him - Shouldnt have as it turned out only 16 hours, which should have been 5 weeks. I will speak to him Sunday to find out what the latest he has heard. I may then phone the Citz.Adv.Bur Mon for appt. if his news not good. I read on another Forum that Contact can be made to the 'Decsision Makers ' at JCP ? they are the ones that make the final decision about what happens in each unusual case, apparently They are quite Human. He doesnt want to get JSA back just his Entitlement for Run-on of HB CT Over 50 Extended HB CT and Job Start Grant. So that his error sign-off wont count against him. The prospects with this Job he found himself that he started Thurs last week are excellant - They are very pleased with him because he already has 7 years Warehousing experience and he loves the Job - just a killer walking 2 miles there and 2 miles home - I told him to ask others about transport when he can afford Bus Fares - It is a huge Ind. Estate and all the Workers other that car owners cant all be walking to Work. I will read the Links again and print your 2 explaining posts. Thanks on his behalf for all your efforts Brilliant !!! and I will report back after I speak to him on Sunday :-D:-D
  22. Another question regarding the link provided by flumps1976 - It is possible my Friend/Neighbour might not be able to claim most things even though he has been out of work mostly since late 2007 - problem is the 5 weeks before Xmas he was sent to a Job by a Temp. Agency that was supposed to be until Xmas and was told to sign off but after only 2 nights = 16 hours the Company told the Agency that they had too many people so last in first out, so signed back on pointing out that it was only 16 hours and he wouldnt havent have signed off if he had known. As it says in the Extended BH and CT and Job Start Grant bits - he has to be on JSA for 26 weeks continuously - it was the Temp Agency that was at fault not him but he might have to pay the price of not getting anything. Might they overlook it as it was only 16 hours in fact. Any idea where he stands regarding this problem. I think he should contact the Temp. Agency and point out the big problems they have caused him, and tell them to contact JCP or who ever and tell them it was the Agencys fault for his problem.
  23. Thanks flumps1976 A very helpful link answered most of my questions - couldnt use the calcutator re Tax Credits because he is working 18 hours but I dont know pay rate - he will be paid fortnightly at least at start so I think he will have a bit more in his hand instead of what he thought being left with only a Fiver !!! It looks that he will have Extended HP and CT and Job Grant but will only get over 50 Extra until April (just his luck again ) I will be going to Bank with him Wed to Sort them out !!! and will tell him all this new info. Thanks on his behalf He has to walk 2 miles to job - 8 hour shift on feet - 2 miles home - not bad for an ahsmatic P.S. Anyone want a couple of hours work clearing up the blood and guts after I have finished with a certain nasty member of the Bank Staff Wed
  24. I saw on TV this morning the Prog. Saints and Scroungers with Dom Littlewood and on this there was an Elderly Man that had been caring for a longterm sick wife and after she died his Mother had a stroke so for next 5 years looked after her until she died in hospital and up till then his Mother been getting HP and CTB - on finding himself alone contacted Council re Claiming HB and CTB in same house and was told didnt qualify - He saw advert on TV re Age UK Help and contacted them - they sorted and found he was due a large sum CTB backdated and not sure how much HB - made masses of difference and peace of mind. I have found through my Friend/Neighbour that our local Council Benefits and CT Offices dont know their own Rules and most Interviews have to be done on a phone to a distant County Office - For someone that doesnt fully understand information face to face is a nightmare but they dont care, and he doesnt trust them now they have given him so much wrong info. I have decided to take him to our local Age UK (he is over 50 ) because I feel sure he will get the caring help he needs face to face and I will be there with his Authority because I know all about his money problems and can tell what I am doing to sort his PPI reclaim which I am dealing with on his behalf. The Bank have been having him over for 5 years until I enlightened him. He has just got a 16+ hours job and will need advice re the transition from JSA to Job Pay and I read somewhere he could get a small sub grant but he doesnt trust the usual Offices or Maximus to give acurate info. Does anyone know about this grant to help me find out about it.
  25. He did get a letter from the Council saying he owed I think £89 CT and something on Rent but dont forget he did get sent to that Agency job that was supposed to be until Xmas ( 6 weeks ) and was told to Sign-off by Agency but the Company sent the last 2 people back as Agency sent too many - I know he was flying back and forth between HB and CT and it turned out that the Computer spat out letters wrong because they had a backlog and in the end didnt owe anything. Apparently there should be a 4 week run-on after signing off until they get paid, and he had signed back on straight away. I have just been up to explain how Bank has sent him wrong papers and he told me he has a part-time job interview this week 15 hours in 3 evenings at first which could lead to Permanent - He found it on job search himself and I told him about getting some more Interview clothes while still at Work Prog. He stands a good chance as his background is Warehouse Handling. It is a Big Good Company - not one of the Work Prog. no pay flits. I hope he gets it - he deserves it.
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