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Everything posted by mitch-afc

  1. I imagine I will get the same reply, if any at all! From my experience with these companies "we'll get back to you" is never a good response! They seem to make up their own rules on what is required of them, I've read many complaints where people were told that as long as a signature was aquired, that's their duty done. It is strange though that BT sent such valuable equipment with no signature required, I would really push at them to send you a replacement, and let them chase parcelforce to get their money back! Hi silverfox, I have notified the ebay seller, but didn't find it fair to raise a dispute over it, as it isn't their fault. I thought I'd try and raise the issue with parcelforce first, hoping they could get it sorted without going down the route of raising a dispute. I do however understand that it is their responsibility, so if I get nowhere with Parcelfarce, I shall be forced to raise a dispute and leave it to the ebay to get their money/item back, as it seems more likely, from what I've read, that they will get further with parcelforce than I will.
  2. Hi greendollar, Sorry to hear about your encounter with parcel FARCE. It's an absolute joke, I shall avoid buying something that will be shipped with them again! How could they possibly trust just any random person on the street in this day and age? Surely in your circusmstance, some kind of ID should have been required? Im my case, I'd imagine the driver went to the wrong address, asked if the person was Mr. Cooper, and he's said yes, but if they're not delivering the parcel to someones door, surely they need to see ID? I also cannot believe that some people would just steal someone elses mail! For all they know, it could be absolutely worthless/useless to them. There's no way to tell for sure what is in a package! It's so annoying, and low! I hope whoever has signed for my parcel is found out and gets in trouble, though I honestly doubt it, despite it being a criminal offence to interfere with mail (theft through misrepresentation). I hope your case is resolved soon, please do let me know how it goes! Mitch
  3. Hi everyone, I've read a few posts on here with similar situations to mine, but didn't really see any outcomes, so I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me out! I ordered a PS3 from a private seller on ebay, and paid through Paypal, and was given a parcel tracking ID for parcelforce. On the night of the 5th of Jan, I tracked the parcel and was very pleased to see that its status was "Loaded to vehicle for delivery". I assumed this meant it would be with me the next day, (the 6th) and spent all day waiting for the package to arrive, anxiously keeping an eye out for the van to stop or go past the window. It got to about 16:00 when I started to give up hope that my PS3 would arrive that day. I checked the tracker one more time to see if the status had changed, and to my amazement it said it had been delivered! I noticed that there was a new option for me to 'see proof of deliery' so I clicked the link, to find that the parcel had apparently been delivered at 14:06 to M Cooper, followed by a signature stating 'M Cooper'. The strange thing is, M Cooper is me! But it was definately not my signature, and the parcelforce man had definately not rang my doorbell! I've read that, although they are not supposed to, the delivery men will sometimes sign on your behalf, and leave the parcel somewhere outside, but it's nowhere to be seen, and there was no card through my letterbox! I thought maybe a neighbour would bring the parcel round that they had taken delivery for by mistake... but then, why would they sign for it in my name?! I'm so annoyed, not only that the delivery man would hand the parcel over to someone at the wrong address, with no proof that they are the owner of the parcel, but also that someone would do that! I've e-mailed parcelforce, but have so far just recieved an automated reply saying that they aim to get back to me within 12 hours, which will be Monday now. Just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything like this, what they did, and what was the outcome? Many thanks, Mitch (the real one! )
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