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  1. Hi maudsley, hope you are well yes we look at the site everyday to see what's happening and to get a feel for how everyone is feeling !. We too received the letter today, should have been sent 8 months ago. 2 weeks ago we were told by someone that a third party was interested in Lakeview !, I honestly do not know who to believe. As you probably know we have signed up with Toby, so do we ask his advices or do you think that Telos have got wind of what's happening and using stalling tactics !. Regards Ashbourne
  2. Hi maudsley We are getting frustrated as well and agree, why don't they care about their investors we seem to be going around in circles getting nowhere. Haven't tried to contact anyone from Telos recently because they have a different answer every time. Will do what is necessary to get an answer the sooner the better.
  3. Hi maudsley, Mike Vernon has our e-mail address so would be very interested in the solicitors details, I tried to speak to him yesterday but he was unavaiilable again just glad that somebody has got hold of him.Can u clarify the ref to your e-mail please, thanks
  4. hi maudsley this is Ashbourne, you talk about swapping E-mails am I being stupid or is there a reason we can't. these guys are dodging all our requests and if there are 200 other people then the quicker we get things moving the better.
  5. . Will definitely keep in touch because we want to know what is going on we are in the SW area,maybe if someone else tries Lakeview because as soon as he knows it's me all the excuses come out. All we want to know is the truth and will do whatever it takes,will meet up if necessary.
  6. . Hello we are in the same position and are trying to contact other people who have invested in Lakeview. We are in contact with Clint Redman and Clive Hilton but are not getting satisfactory answers.We were in contact with Mike Vernon the manager at Lakeview pre Christmas and he was going to give us the email addresses of several others in same position . However he is now avoiding my phone calls and we don't know why. If anyone can shed any light on the matter we would appreciate that
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