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  1. We have been served with an eviction notice for the 20th of jan. Up until October I was paying a loan shark 3000 a month. I have now stood up to them and reported them. in november i was short of 400 on my repayment and so the Leeds issued the date. I have 3000 to give them which would put us 700 in front of the agreement at this point. Can anyone help, work has said they will pay my salary into the mortgage account. Thanks
  2. HELP i have a meeting with the building society Monday. what shall insay please help.
  3. I post this as a warning to anyone who is tempted by an illegal money lender, read my story first PLEASE. four years ago I had a gambling debt and borrowed £100 from someone who said dont worry pay it back when you can, perfect eh? Well ive paid over 27000 back, and on the 20th of Jan I lose my house my kids and my wife. From the start let me make this clear, this is MY fault I was weak. Not anymore though, becasue I have been to the illegal money lending team and I have had enough of self pity, lying to my fantastic wife, my kids, the building society, who have been brilliant. PLEASE TALK TO SOMEONE BEFORE GOING TO THESE PEOPLE. They will bleed you dry. they beat me up pinned me down, branded my arm, and ripped my wedding ring off my finger. PLEASE TALK TO SOMEONE FIRST. I HAVE LOST EVERYTHING. I have got my self respect back though. To the moderator who contacted me yesterday, THANK YOU, you know why.
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