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  1. I thought that was the case Bakatcha, thanks for confirming. Helly13, I still live at home with my parents (much cheaper then paying rent and any bills on my own), and I do pay them housekeeping money (started doing that even when I first ever signed on, about 10+ years ago), and have been ever since.
  2. I'll have to check that, thanks Nystagmite. I know when I signed off last year (when my Christmas temp was going to start), I phoned a number in my JSA book to sign off. I had to tell them when the job would start, who I would be working for, that sort of thing. So I will ask when I next sign on what they suggest.
  3. I don't really want to continue with my JSA claim, it's a pain in the backside having to go there every two weeks, so I'll sign on next week, and then tell them i'd like to sign off (which i'll need to do by phone again i presume?) because i'll start work before my next sign on date after next week's sign on date. Thanks for the info Flumps1976
  4. Thanks Helly13 . Since my contract is for only 12 hours (but i'm fairly certain i will be asked to do overtime when fixtures/stock is moved around in store after or before closing times), i should be doing extra hours. Even though the jobcentre usually says that i have to sign off if my contract is 16 hours or more, can i still sign off since my contract will be for 12 hours? I want to sign off if i can, because i've had enough of signing on. I've worked it out, and i'll be earning just over a tad more then what i currently get with JSA. Can i claim anything to boost what I'll be earning, and if I can, will I still need to sign on?
  5. I've just had a phone call from one of the jobs I applied to recently, they've offered me a 12 hour permanent contract (3 days a week, 6-10am) I'll tell the Jobcentre when I sign on next week. I phoned my advisor at Ingeus/Papworth to tell him I've been given a permanent contract. Despite what I've written in all e-mails to him, he didn't say anything to me about it, so me getting a job (all by myself) must have made him forget all about them. I told him when it starts, but not how many hours I'll be doing (he asked if it was full time, which i said yes) and which company I'll be working for. I didn't ask him if I still needed to do my 2 days a week job search at the Ingeus/Papworth office, although he said someone from Ingeus/Papworth will be ringing me within the next two days for more information. Should I tell them how many hours and days I will be working, or should I not tell him anything? My advisor did ask for me to e-mail him with contact details for the company I'll be working for, he said something about wanting to know, so they can confirm I have found employment. He also said either he or the person phoning me this week will ask if I still want Ingeus/Papworth to stay in touch with me, or to stop all contact (which I will be asking )
  6. I honestly can't remember, but I will try to find my paperwork from last year if I can. I remember my advisor saying to us (a group of about 7 or 8 of us) when we first went there last year that we'd be with them for 2 years, even if we did find employment during our time with them, but I don't recall signing anything. I hope there is some legal precedent that can be used against them. If any of us did decide to declare ourselves as self-employed, would we need to provide any proof to confirm it? Would it be of any use if I made an appointment to see an advisor at the Jobcentre, who I know and get on well with? And try to explain the situation to him, and see if he could do anything? Or would I be better off trying to make an appointment with Ingeus/Papworth, asking to see someone more senior then my advisor, and talking to them?
  7. The funny thing is, I found the job myself, Ingeus/Papworth didn't help in any way at all in finding the vacancy. I went to them on the Monday, applied online either that day, or the next day for the Christmas temp job, had the interview on the Tuesday or Wednesday, and was given the job there and then. The contract didn't actually start until the 31st of October last year, and it finished on the 6th of January this year. So starting on that day (Monday 31st October), I was employed for just under 9 weeks. I did get the £100 back to work payment (which came as a surprise). I'd feel annoyed if they got paid, considering they didn't actually find me the job, because they hadn't earned it. Is it actually written in any paperwork they give us that I will be on their books for 2 years?
  8. Thanks for explaining that gil_jnr. The funny thing is, my advisor said to me the last time I saw him that my CV looked fine. Something I did want to clear up though. I was originally sent to Ingeus/Papworth last year, because I had been out of work for more then 6 months. When I signed back on last month, they put me through as a rapid reclaim. I was under the assumption that I would only be sent back to Ingeus/Papworth after being unemployed again for 6 months, which I haven't, it's only been a maxium of 5 weeks. Should I point out that I don't qualify to be sent back to Ingeus/Papworth?
  9. Yeah, I was pretty surprised with the amount he quoted as well. Thanks for the suggestion about getting a return fare, I'll do that. I'm still expected to go at least twice a week to do a job search, my next appointment with him won't be until the 22nd of this month, should I just wait until then, or should I go in for my job searches? I didn't appreciate his comment about pride, considering I'm not being proud, he's just assuming I'm being proud. Here is my reply to his last e-mail, minus his name and the employer advisor's name. I understand that, I was unaware of your case load, and appreciate you taking the time to reply to my e-mail. Could you elaborate on what sort of advice and support you could provide for me? I apologize if you felt like I was dictating how often I would be attending for job search, I didn't feel like I had much of a choice when you said I'd need to attend twice a week. How does the employer advisor manage to source jobs, if I may ask? If I should need any help or motivation, I would phone you should I need to. I know you work very hard, and I've seen that you are always busy when I've been to the Papworth/Ingeus office. I already possess the relevant skills to get back into work, and all the motivation I require. I dislike your assumption that any comments I've made are because of any pride I have, because I know this is not the case. I accept and understand my situation perfectly, and I know it is not as bad as I make out.
  10. Thanks for the advice Bakatcha. I haven't copied it word for word, but this is what I've put in my reply to his e-mail, minus his name of course. I appreciate that, but you already have the means of communicating with me virtually instanteously via e-mail and phone, should any opportunities arise. I also feel that I don't require any extra push, as my parents are very supportive of me, and are as eager for me to get back into employment as I am, and give me all the motivation that I require. Plus, since I don't pay for a bus ticket each time I use the bus (I have a bus card which I put ten journeys on too at a time), I would not be able to claim back any bus fare. I already dislike having to claim Job Seekers Allowance, because I prefer to earn money by working, so I wouldn't wish to claim back any bus fares as well. If you feel I do need to come in to do a jobsearch at the office, then I would be willing to attend once a fortnight, on the same day as my sign on day at the Jobcentre, for a half hour job search, since I would have searching for a job for at least an hour if not more already at home. If he replies by saying he thinks I've been rude or obnoxious, can he give me a sanction, or notify the jobcentre? Quick edit, I've just checked my e-mails, here is his reply, minus my name. "Thank you for your response, I do understand where you are coming from and it is great that you have supportive family as it aids in the development of progression and always good to have a strong support network. However I feel as your advisor and someone who deals with a large number of people in a similar position, it is in your best interest to take on board the advice and support given from us and rather than dictate when you come to allow us to work with you more directly. It also allows you the chance to work more closely with our employer advisor, who goes out and sources jobs for our clients. No client I work with comes in forth nightly to job search as I feel it becomes detrimental to the client when they need help and motivation. It is our job to provide you with the relevant skills and motivation to do this. So this is why I have suggested that you come in on any two days you choose, I can only apologise for the bus fare situation. Pride is a big thing but sometimes you need to understand that accepting your situation for what it is, is not as bad as you make it. Look forward to seeing you in the office twice a week, please understand that I don’t always have this much time to response to emails considering I have a caseload of 150 clients. Kind regards" It doesn't fill me with confidence when he makes spelling mistakes, such as putting "forth nightly" instead of fortnightly, especially since he has access to programs like Microsoft Word, which has a spellchecker. Any suggestions on how best to respond to what my advisor said in their e-mail? If I do need any help or motivation, then I will ring him to make an appointment to see him, should I ever need to.
  11. Just to keep you all updated, here was the reply to my question I asked my advisor via e-mail. Here is what I asked "Just out of curiosity, why do I need to come in twice a week to job search? I have all the facilities I need here at home to do that, and I'd be here if anyone from the three jobs I've applied for contacts me to ask me in for a further interview, or to say I've been successful in attaining employment." And this was his reply "Its only because we want to provide as much help as possible and by being here it allows us to let you know of opportunities straight away and we can also give you that extra push we all need." Before I reply to his e-mail, what would be the best way of saying that I appreciate his help (even though I actually don't, but I do try to be diplomatic when I can), but I'm in no need of an extra push. I still live at home with my Mum and Dad, and my Mum gives me all the extra push I need. In other words, when he says me being there allows them to let me know of opportunities straight away, does he really mean that it lets them keep an eye on me?
  12. Thanks for the advice and links Bakatcha. I was first assigned to Ingeus/Papworth trust back in September of last year, so I can't recall if I signed a data waiver form or not. I've only been sent back to Ingeus/Papworth because my Christmas temp job was only temporary. I did point out to the advisor that I was on time, and why I had changed my appointment time, but he did say we'd be finished by 20 past 2, so I did get to the Jobcentre by about half past/20 to 3. I'm currently on my Dad's laptop at the moment, so I'll save a copy of the consent withdrawl letter later on, when I'm using the main computer. They had my phone number from the first time I went there, I have had phone calls from other people from Ingeus asking me again when my job last year was going to start, it did bother me that they phoned me up after lunch while out walking the dog, and my advisor ringing me up before my job started. I didn't answer it the first time, because the number was withheld, which I don't usually answer, but I did think it could be my advisor, so I answered next time. I also received a call at home last month, I think before my contract at my Christmas job was finished, phoning me at 6 or half 6 in the evening, which i didn't appreciate. I e-mailed my advisor earlier this morning with my weekly job log sheet. Here is what I asked him in my e-mail. "Just out of curiosity, why do I need to come in twice a week to job search? I have all the facilities I need here at home to do that, and I'd be here if anyone from the three jobs I've applied for contacts me to ask me in for a further interview, or to say I've been successful in attaining employment." How would you suggest I assert myself without being rude? The last thing I want is for me to say or do the wrong thing, and they pull the old "If you don't comply, we will give you a sanction" routine.
  13. Hello again everyone. Had my appointment last week, was supposed to have been at 2pm. I informed the lady on reception that I have to sign on between 2:30 and 3pm, so I asked to change my appointment to 1:30, which she did. I got there about 20 past 1, signed in, and sat down. My advisor (same one I was assigned to before) was busy with another person, so I waited until he had finished. When he did finally acknowledge me, he said I was early, and I informed him why I had arrived early. He then told me he couldn't see me until 2pm, and to use the computer to do a job search for half an hour!. I had already been looking for jobs that morning, but didn't make any comment. While I looked for jobs (with no luck unfortunately), he sat at his desk, eating his lunch while using his computer. He did eventually see me (about 10 past 2), asking why I was no longer in work, and for an up to date CV, which I e-mailed him when I got home. My next appointment with him won't be until the 22nd of this month. I don't recall him asking me to do it before, but he's now expecting a weekly job log sheet from me via e-mail, and to go to building where they are located 2 or 3 times a week, for and hour and a half each time. I don't mind sending him the weekly job log sheet via e-mail, but fail to see the point of going in 2 or 3 times a week? They can't pay me for my bus fare, as I use a bus card which I can put 10 journeys on too. Is there anyway I can get out of wasting time down there 2 or 3 times a week to do a job search all in one hit, where instead I can stay at home, do exactly the same thing, but split the time up?
  14. Hi again everyone. Despite being told a couple of weeks ago I'd have a letter from Papworth, nothing has arrived. Then had a phone call this morning asking when I'd signed on (which was the 10th of this month). Advisor at the JC was actually a former teacher of mine, and I explained to him that Papworth was a waste of time, and he sympathized with me. He said he'd be informing Papworth I was signing on again, yet still nothing from them. Funny thing is, when Papworth contacted me earlier today, he said my last advisor at Papworth will see me on 9th of Feb.....then phoned me back to say the same date, but said it'd be on the wednesday, despite the 9th being Thursday. If they can't get the day right, what hope is there?
  15. Hi everyone. I was placed with Ingeus last September, luckily I didn't have to go for long, because I managed to find myself a job online the day after I had been placed with them (which I found online at home), and luckily my interview went well. My Christmas temp contract finishes tomorrow (Saturday 7th of Jan), so after I return my uniform on Monday, I'll be signing on again. What annoys me is, I know I've got to go back to Ingeus (or Papworth Trust as they refer to themselves sometimes). Another annoying thing is, they phoned me Wednesday night (about 7-7:30), which I was not expecting, didn't really appreciate being phoned at that time (never got the name of the caller, but he did ask how my job was going, and asked if my contract had been renewed, which sadly it hasn't). Since I'll be receiving another two weeks worth of money from my last employer, could I or should I delay signing on again? The caller from Ingeus/Papworth seemed quite keen for me to be reassigned to them. Is there anyway I can get out of going back to them, since they never actually did anything for me, or helped me in anyway? Thanks
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