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  1. I'm hoping someone can answer a quick question. My car insurance company are charging me for a full new year's insurance when my car was vandalised (now written off) during last year's policy. The incident happened on 24th December and they were unavailable to contact despite calling every day, until 28th December (typically the actual date the policy renewed) - I sent them the email to an address they left on their answer-phone message on 27th December which I copied myself into, as they were still closed on this date. They then updated my policy ONE DAY before they wrote to say it would be a write off. increasing the cost of the policy on the car that no longer exists and claim I am now liable to pay for the whole year's policy. I previously asked if this would be the case IF the car would be written off when I spoke to them on 28th and was informed by two different members of staff that I would not be liable to pay for the year's policy as the incident occurred during last year's policy, and it's not my fault I was unable to contact them sooner. They are now saying I was mis-informed. Where do I stand legally?
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