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Everything posted by Anaconda

  1. The costs are a combination of charges and interest on the charges, some months the charges were nearly £900 and that continued. The charges and interest on the charges have accrued on 2 accounts. All the figures are accurately calculated as I have 95% of statements waiting for the rest spoke to NB this morning, they didn't get my letter. I emailed a copy. I have spoken to an accountant and solicitor.....both think the case is ligitimate and we are proceeding accordingly. Does that clarify?
  2. No BOI operate from the North too....check my listing I'm after the Northern Bank
  3. What bank(s) If in Ireland check my postings
  4. Will do thanks....and you are right about the ownership of the money. Thread already started.....should have called it bank baiting!
  5. Sorry not a service access report......dummie...it is a subject acess request. If they know what it is they go cold.....I love it. I'm phoning to wind them up, bank baiting its a great blood sport....wait til we get to court, and then the press, you are so right the public should know what they are like.
  6. Yes, spoke to a half wit at Nuala Walsh's (Northern Bank) office who told me it would be £8 per statement. I told her she better read up about the ins and outs of the law on this one before she revealed anymore of her most unimpressive level of ignorance. The best fun is asking them for the service action report.....if they understand what it is...Northern...asked what it was...might just be the play dumb approach....Ulster Bank....deathly silence. They get 40 days to produce it same as the statement, but you are entitled to go back the entire life of the account....it has every comment the bank have made about you as a customer......interesting reading no doubt. Just called the branch this morning, asked if they would like the page numbers, said they didn't recieve the letter, no problem I said I will email you a copy....by the way you now have about 10 days to come up with the information or we are off to court. They don't realise the amount.....cos they haven't botherd their backsides to follow up, that will be another costly mistake.
  7. Yes I really do have that amount of charges over the 6 year period, I have most of the statements just a few missing I have requested the remaining. Damning reading. I haven't found anyone else claiming these sorts of amounts..... yet.... I have already requested my service action report in addition to the missing statements. Any pointers would be greatfully recieved.
  8. Just another thought has anyone any idea how things work working with these amounts of money, I'm not quite sure I understand properly. Will it be necessary to go to the High Court or not? There are 2 accounts a business account and a personal account. The business has accrued 17.7k in charges and interest on the charges. The personal account has accrued the rest.....not happy reading. Would I be better to treat the sum as one or to avoid High court is it better to apply separately. I have spoken to both an accountant and solicitor and a journalist(who is dying to write about the case), noone can believe just how obscene and blatent the charges are. So no you really did read it correctly....looking forward to getting it all back and suing them for defamation on my credit history also....Then I can start on The Ulster Bank who owe in and around 10k! Then gonna send some money to this site and go on a very nice holiday paid for by the bank think I'll send them a post card.....I really fancy Fiji!! Any suggestions! Answers on a postcard please(sorry)....email will do! PS I totally hate them!
  9. No boys......no decimal point, all there in black and white on their own statements, month after month £800 or more they are such a responsible bank....not. Thats why I'm gonna deal with them through a solicitor. And every last shackle and some more for all the stress and financial damage.
  10. Sure has been.....but everytime I log on here it does my heart good!! I am under the impression they will settle out of court, as they won't want to be instructed by a Judge to declare their costs, then the flood gates will really open for the (edit) ****. So I'm planning to bog the arm in up to the shoulder, how do you quantify 6 years of stress!! Unfortunately for them I kept all but a few pages of the statements. I'm starting to enjoy this....But they are playing at silly ****'s wont even come up with the few missing pages. Makes no odds to me. Going to use a Solicitor to execute proceedings so they know I'm serious and I maximise payback.
  11. Accountant appaled....now off to solicitor to see if we can add a little heat to the equation....25k of heat over 6 years.....and the rest I can extract out of them, for all stress. Thanks for all the helpful postings guys...I will keep you informed.
  12. Keep at 'em...I'm gonna be claiming 25k over six years and unfortunately for the NB I have 95% of the statements so it shouldn't take long to estimate accurately the missing, but I've asked for the statements down to the page numbers.....now run along and get them nasty little bank person. Got a Solicitor who is prepared to do some saber rattling before we go to court...and happy to follow up if necessary should we go to court, looking forward to causing them some of the discomfort they caused me. I hate them so much in the word of a song I believe! Spoke to Nuala Walsh's half wit of an assistant.....she quoted me £8 per sheet. Told her she better go do her homewrok before she made her ignorance any more apparent. Clock ticking, I will fight this one to the death. Keep me posted on how you are getting on...go for them.
  13. I have been to see a specialist accountant in the field, I will keep you posted on the outcome.....not looking good for the banks, so looking forward to redressing the balance.
  14. One of the banks in Northern Ireland, didn't credit my accounts until july (£4200) when I had paid them in early March (clearing all debt entirely including many extorted fees I plan to now recover), the money got 'lost' in the system....they still have not cleaned up my credit rating, having been promised by the head of the debt recovery unit they would do so, meeting with an insolvency specialist and solicitor on Monday. Good luck to the bank on this one, I believe it is called financial defamation of character.
  15. I would love to know too, due to all the stress caused and a total of over 20k in charges and interest. I am now having to deal with higher mortage rates due to the financial info charged against me by the banks. So all the financial history is still costing me big time.
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