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  1. Thanks for reply. Should I phone them or put it in writting? How do I place a notice of correction? regards
  2. Hi I hope someone can advise. My daughter has been living with me for past 3 years and in that time she has signed up to a catalogue in my name without my permission online. I have had no knowledge of this until she has now moved out. She has intercepted any post from the catalogue and seems to have been paying it. I found out after she left on bad terms, questioned her as to whether she is going to continue paying it and she is refusing. I have no permanent address for her. Where do I stand with getting this debt out of my name? Thanks
  3. Hi thanks for replies, the agency is final demand ltd, the debt was with another company before and I sent them a similar letter to that stating I basically was forced to pull her out the schoo due to bullyingl, therefor am not liable to pay a terms notice and am willing to go to court to plead my case, after that I did not hear from that company again, it must of been passed back to the school or to this new agency. I did formally complain to the school but I think because its private they can get away with alot more interms of policies etc. I am taking liability for the months notice that I gave them wich is £400 in fees and offered the last company £50 a month to clear this but as I said I then heard nothing back. I found a letter in theCAG libary should I send this? I signed the contract. Thank you for your letter of 20−12−2011. I am very disappointed that I seem unable to reach a satisfactory compromise in this case. As I have already explained to the previous collection agency I do not owe £2025.00 The school in question failed their duty of care and therefor made the contract void and forced me to take my child out of the school only giving a months notice instead of thge required 4 months. I do however owe the months notice that I gave wich is £400 I can only afford £50 per month at the present time. This is the only realistic payment proposal bearing in mind the enclosed personal budget sheet. You have stated in correspondence your intention to commence proceedings with doorstop collectors and in the county court against me. The commencement of legal proceedings under such circumstances could be counter to the ‘Overriding Objectives’ of the new Civil Procedure Rules. You will be aware that the Overriding Objectives underpin everything the court does. Moreover, paragraph 4 of the Protocols Practice Direction states that in cases not covered by an approved pre−action protocol, the court will expect the parties "to act reasonably…….. In trying to avoid the necessity for the start of proceedings". I would suggest that your refusal to accept our offer could be viewed as unreasonable and I would ask the court to consider this matter with reference to the Overriding Objectives. The offer of £50 pcm to clear the months fees that are duefully owed is of course still open to you to accept. Yours faithfully
  4. Hi I dont know if you can help but I dont know were to start on here. My daughter was able to attend private school as her grandparents paid most the fees after a month of being at the school I realised she wasnt happy and was being bullied by the other kids. I made the school aware that I was not happy and felf they did not put adequate measures in place to protect her ie none of the parents whose kids were involved were informed. She started the school in the september and I informed them she would be leaving at the end of the term December and not returning. The school through a debt collection agency are demanding a terms worth of fees, you normally have to give a terms notice before leaving, this could not be the case as for one she was not even there a term at the time i told them she was leaving and two i feel they did not stick to their end of the contract ie their duty of care. I no longer have contact with my daughters father or grandparents and so can not afford to just come up with £2400. Any help would be appreciated as have a 3month old baby worry of doorstep collectors is getting to me
  5. Hi I dont know if anyone can help but I dont know were to start on here. My daughter was able to attend private school as her grandparents paid most the fees after a month of being at the school I realised she wasnt happy and was being bullied by the other kids. I made the school aware that I was not happy and felf they did not put adequate measures in place to protect her ie none of the parents whose kids were involved were informed. She started the school in the september and I informed them she would be leaving at the end of the term December and not returning. The school through a debt collection agency are demanding a terms worth of fees, you normally have to give a terms notice before leaving, this could not be the case as for one she was not even there a term at the time i told them she was leaving and two i feel they did not stick to their end of the contract ie their duty of care. I no longer have contact with my daughters father or grandparents and so can not afford to just come up with £2400. Any help would be appreciated. Can I take this to cc myself? Can I get legal aid for this? thanks
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