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  1. Yes , but would prefer pay and gonas i had previously and didnot get silly bills And if I couldn't afford it then i wouldnntop up simples
  2. 41 , 14 pound insurance They say it's the Internet usage and o844 calls I just want rid of it they take my eye balls out lol
  3. Well I changed from blackberry to iPhone and the bills are ridiculous it's is just far too expensive and just would prefer to be on pay as you go , contract ends next June
  4. I can no longer afford my vodafone contract it's in excess of 100 pound every month ! Anyone know-how I can get it ended??? Please help
  5. Ok thanks for your help , I'll send it of tomorrow and let you know what they say
  6. It's a bill from a previous property for an electric bill, I couldn't pay to n power so tthey referred me to a DCA who are now taking a monthly payment off me ,
  7. Buchanan Clark and wells , are recovering the debt , so should I jut accept the debt and pay then? Thought they would have told me ibwasnt paying enough, ratherthan issuing me a huge bill which I can't afford
  8. I am paying to a debt collection agency, yeah they said I hadn't been paying enough monthly and totalled all charges up after 6 month, what do you think j should do as I don't have a clue where to start! I think it is a joke to suggest we were usin in excess of 200 a month on electricity ?
  9. Ps sonwhat will happen when I've sent that off ? What will be the outcome
  10. Hi again haha, that is the most I can afford, guess I Looking for miracles here debts don't disappear haha
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