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mr mg zr

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  1. Thank you guys for helping..much appreciated. Yea i dont know why they say they sent 2 letters. Yes they have verbally told me that my policy was cancelled as the DD could not be set-up. They keep saying they did write to me, but they offer no proof but some automated messages on there system. I think the CEO letter must be written and posted. Am i write in thinking they can cancel my policy regarding anything if its a installment policy? Confusing.
  2. Thank you Wonky. Just been reading this. I dont know whether im wrong in thinking this, but my payment(s) were up to date. As the initial deposit was paid and first installment was on the 1/1/2012. If im reading it wrong im not sure, but im sure it suggests if payments are up to date then cancellation should not take place. And in my case payments were up to date. Is it wrong for them to send two letters? the address they have is correct, i received all normal post around that time just not there letters which i find strange. they were automated letters, i asked them for proof of them being sent they said there always sent etc.
  3. Thank you. What does RD mean? sorry! Thank you for the advice. Is the CEO Andrew Strong?
  4. Hi, Just had a call from the AA as yesterday i rang again and spoke to the manager. I have just been told that the reason the policy was canceled was because the DD failed to set-up. They say they were not trying to take a payment, however just set it up. Obviously i explained i have not received the letters which were supposidly sent on the 3rd and 9th of November. I stated that my initial deposit was suppose to cover me up untill the 1/1/12, so regardless of DD failure why was it canceled so early. The woman could not really give me a answer but kept stating letters were sent. She also stated they do not make calls to customers. It doesnt say anything in there T+C's whether they do or do not phone customers. They said its not proceedure. What can i do now?
  5. Thank you Brig. Might sound daft but what do you suggest for me to do now? I submited mu complaint on Saturday. do I need to add more to it. Thank you for your help. so gratefull
  6. Thank you. Not the news i was hoping for but, oh well. What do i do if i have not received the letter? Dont know why they tried to debit my account before the required date. I understand the part "missed/late" but if the FIRST payment is suppose to come out on the 1st of Jan then its not Late nor missed is it? hmmm alll confusing I was advised by a insurance broker that its standard practice to send cancelation documents via recorded/signed delivery. Thank you for you advice Brig...Much appreciated as usual.
  7. Hello again, I seeked some advice from a gentlemen in the insurance business. He was very helpful and advised me that insurance companies should not cancel policies without sending correspondence via recorded post. Now i have not recieved nothing nor have i signed for any AA documentation. Is it true that correspondence should of been sent via recorded delivery?
  8. Hello, Thank you. That is fine, i appreciate any help on this matter. I have submitted a complaint on the matter (was done on the 30th December).
  9. No there was no DD in December at all, The deposit was in November and next payment was due 01/01/2012 When i rang the AA they said it got cancelled on that date (5th december), but DD is due 01/01/2012. There is no paperwork which suggests a DD for the 5th December. Thank You guys
  10. Thank you for your reply. I can see you speak with experience. However there was no December DD date or payment required by the AA. This is confusing
  11. Firstly thank you for your kind advice, I really do appreciate all of the replies. The AA told me the policy had been cancelled on the 5th of December but I had never been notified. If I had been notified then I would have resolved the issue immediately. All my paperwork states that first payment is on the 1st of January 2012.
  12. i agree with you that it is the customers responsibility to make sure they are road legal and insured etc. All the documentation i have received states the first installment is due 01/01/2012 so they have no grounds to cancel my policy before that date as they DO NOT need to take payment before this date.
  13. I have found the procedure on the website and i am currently writing a detailed email with appropriate dates etc. I am also confused as to why they cancelled it early. Surely they would of cancelled it after the 1st of January if payment was not available or taken. No i have not told them regarding the incident, however i am detailing it all in the email.
  14. ok thank you guys. would the complaints procedure information be on there website? or would i need to ring? The first deposit payment was made via Visa Debit over the phone. The next installment (01/01/2012) was suppose to be the direct debit. should i tell them of my incident? the other person has informed there insurance provider.
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