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  1. Hi looking for some advice please as got myself in a big stress i suffer with anxiety so have become very paranoid. I currently claim tax credits for my 3 children as a single applicant i work 30 hours and this is the only benefit i recieve. My relationship has been very on off over the last 6 years and for 5 years i lived at my mums and my husband did not live with me as not enough room they did nt get on etc.. and very turbulant relationship due to hubby suffering with post traumatic stress. for alot of this time he lived with his parents and had his own place for some time. as i work shifts he helps out with the children and is on my car insurance as he uses car for the kids. I then moved into my sister s home which i rent from her i became even more anxious and he started to stay over some nights on the couch for for the past 6 months. are relationship then developed as his temper getting better now and i officially moved him in on the 16-11-2011 and notified council tax. I am going to phone tax credits thursday as wanted to see how it went b4 notifying them. I am worried that they may start investigating when i let them know and wilol end up in trouble I have a proffessional job and would loose it if i became a criminal . hubby is self employed and does nt earn very much so prob would nt effect my current claim. does any one know what will happen when i phone them. really stressed but then i do get easily stressed and take meds for anxiety. thanks for reading
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