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  1. Have been looking into this over the last couple of days scince seeking new employment and came across this thread. From what I have been able to understand even from the FSA, is that they have no mandatory requierment for anyone to have or be credit checked for employment. Even a company director of a financial institution only has to be a "fit and proper person " of financial standing regardless of credit worthiness. The way I see it is that it amounts under the Employment Act as indirect discrimination as it does not take into account a persons personal circumstances due to family upheavel or unemployment or age ( an older person is more likely to have advesre credit than someone just left school) Thats Life!!! or any of a thousand other individual reasons. If a drug trafficker has a healthy bank account and good credit does that make them any less a drug dealer? or a well respected member of the community with a perfect credit score any less likly to be a child molester? When you look at credit refrencing agency websites you will find that it amonts to scare tactics (advising their clients - the employer - that a good credit score amounts to an indicator of a persons honesty!!!) It resembles the scare tactics of the previous American Administration that all Muslims are potential terrorists. Finnaly, in my rant lol lol !! Should the employee not be carrying out the credit worthiness of the employer as it is the employee that is providing his/her services, time, skills on a 28 day basis awating payment for their work. So effectivly it is the employee that is advancing credit to the company not the other way about. Many Thanks for letting me get this out there!!
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