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Everything posted by cj1234

  1. Following on from my last post I have had another letter from AIC (or Arrow Global, take your pick!). Although I sent them a letter in between my follow up letter they tried to phone me, I must admit the man sounded quite nice but I was walking down a busy road and he said he would phone back. But he didnt. Yesterday my mum got a letter from them with the heading URGENT - FINAL NOTICE OF INTENT and the client name is Arrow Global Guernsey Limited. It states that AIC are acting on behalf of Arrow Global. It kind of says that if my mother doesnt organise payments then they will take money from her wages (she's 85!), assets (shes a council tenant) or seize property and may send in baliffs. I am now worried as she is as I said 85 and I have told them this, together with the fact that she has had a stroke. She is now saying I should offer them some money. I really dont know what to do as the letter went to my mums address and while I feel I should fight them, I dont want my mum to have any hassle because of her condition. Should I stand firm? My nephew says that baliffs cant force entry unless they bring police and this is really not a police matter. Any help will be appreciated.
  2. Thanks for the advice Trevor, I will await outcome. Thats interesting what you say about the debt being sold on. Am really worried about my mother having had a stroke before christmas and now she has an irregular heartbeat, so I dont want her too stressed about this. Carolyn
  3. I sent my letter to AIC (Arrow Global?!) with the postal order asking for the original contract as advised before Christmas. I got a text from them saying to call them urgently. I have been advised not to have any telephone conversations with them. Do I wait until they write to me? I think my mum is getting worried now and says just offer to pay a small amount as she was donig with MBNA but we really dont think it is fair that she has to fill out a new I&E because she was already paying an agreed amount to MBNA, they stopped calling her though and obviously cant get me to answer my phone. Carolyn
  4. Thats interesting. I posted just before Christmas about AIC. I was just about to write my letter as advised (it does seem a long time after Christmas doesnt it!) but then got another letter from a company called Arrow Global who have also said MBNA have sold the debt but that I must still send any correspondence to AIC. Also interestingly, they said Irene Brown was speaking in my name which is totally wrong as Irene Brown is my mum and I am acting on her behalf as her daughter. Why has another company popped up? So this seems similar to Trevs post. This is really frustrating as she only missed one whole payment last year because of a mix up in paperwork. Shes 84 for goodness sake! Carolyn
  5. Daniella, Thank you so much for your reply. It has really put my mind at rest. I realise I shouldn't have spoken to them, but are worried about what they will do to my mum. Anyway, I will do everything you have suggested. And Happy Christmas to you to. Will let you know the outcome. CJ
  6. Just noticed this thread about AIC. I see that this is a very long one so my question may have been answered somewhere! My mother (aged 84) has money owing to MBNA. She missed one payment and the next thing she had was a letter this summer just gone from a DCA. I don't think at the time it was AIC though. I phoned them and said I would speak on her behalf so after a few weeks they sent me a form to do so. I completely forgot about it and lo and behold a few days ago AIC phoned me. I fished out the letter which was attached to the form and realised it was now AIC I was doing business with. So I stupidly phoned them. I say stupidly because I figure after reading the posts I shouldn't be doing anything verbally with them. They asked me for my password which I had put on the original form I'd sent. They said they would said me an I&E form to my mother. They also said would I like to pay some money up front. So stupidly (again) I said my mum doesnt get any money in until Wednesday so they said they were expecting me to phone (today). Really worried now because I dont think I should have done this. I see that they badger you to pay more. My mum is by no means poor but I dont want ALL of her money to go to them. Am I supposed to ask for the original contract? Also she had a stroke a couple of weeks ago (which I did mention) and I don;t want her ill again. What would my next step be. I want to sound confident and professional. Noticed also they phoned just before Christmas and my sister is in a similar situation and she is being badgered by one company with whom she is actually paying an agreed amount anyway. All before Christmas! Thanks for any help.
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