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  1. I totally sympathize with everyone who's got done at this Box Jn. I received my £ 65 PCN on 1/9/11 and I've appealed. H&F have rejected my appeal and so I'm due at PATAS in February. But the fine is now £ 130 if I lose ! Like Bluffalow I'm not denying I was in the box - their pictures show I was in it for 9 secs, and I just tagged in at the end. BUT this box is a trap - the exit from the box has only room for 5 cars or so and the traffic lights are out of phase. So you get green on New Kings Road west of the box, but Red at NKR/Harwood Rd - and this lasts for 32 secs. So I also question the validity of the box, and I've supplied PATAS with my own videos (!) and photos. I cycled up there a few weeks ago, and saw many people get trapped in the box - it's a real con. Mangifee, like you said H&F are making a shedload of money from this junction - it would be really good if you could get BBC Watchdog interested - I reckon the more publicity the better.....
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