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  1. How far can they go without a copy of the signed credit agreement? They already say they have defaulted me, they have threatend a CCJ and have said they will pass it on to external debt collectors, can they do all of this? Im really worried they will just do what they like no matter what i say to them.
  2. To cut a very long story short ive got an account with Capital One, they have passed it on to Debitas. I sent them a letter recorded delivery asking for a statement and confirmation that the default i had was settled. I also made an offer to repay the outstanding amount monthly. I recieved back a standard letter from Cap One and a financial statement thing to fill out and send back within 28 days, no mention on the default amount i had paid off or the statement i asked for. After that i had a company called power to contact at my door making sure i had made contact with them, which i had so he made a note of that and went away. Then today i have recieved a letter from Debitas again this time its notice off immediate action. saying that unlesss i make them an offer and get in contact they will pass my debt on to an external agency. How can i make them take notice of my letter? They seem to have completley ignored my offer in my letter and they are still acting like i have ignored them. What can i do?? please help i dont know what to do next.
  3. Thanks for your replies. I will see if i can check the serial number with apple before i do anything else. Ill be dissapointed if it is fake but i suppose that would be why they were cheaper than the UK! Should have known really.
  4. Hi, My husband has just come back from Poland, he was away on business. While he was there he got me an ipod as a present as they were quite a bit cheaper. The only problem is now we have got it home it dosent work. Its not holding any charge. Do you think its to do with it not being from the UK? if not do i have any rights with Apple, as he wont be going back to Poland and so cant return it to the shop. Any advice appreciated
  5. Thanks very much. Sorry, i posted this in the wrong place really, but i thought it was something barclaycard had added.
  6. Oh my god, i did. They had a free 30 day trial. I only wanted the free trial though!!
  7. Hi, Has anyone ever had a 'prime member fee' added to thier card? Ive just had my statement today and they have added this fee of nearly £50. Does anyone know what this is? Thanks in advance
  8. I thought they might be, thanks. Do you think its strange though that i have heard nothing from them for about 9 months?
  9. Thanks for that interesting piece of information. Unfortunatley i didnt know that when i started paying them the £50 a month. Does anyone have any more advice on what i do next? Thanks in advance Jo
  10. Hi, please can someone give me a bit of advice... Cap One stopped sending me statements for about 9 months, because there were no statements i forgot to pay them (stupid i know) after the 9 months i get a statement, a default notice and a letter from Debitas (DCA) saying they have now undertaken the default amount. I wrote to them (recorded delivery) explaining that i had just been made redundant and could only afford £50 a month. I got no reply from them but started paying it anyway. I have now been making the payments for about 9 months and by my calculations i should have now paid off the default amount. I have had nothing from them since the first letter. Where should i go from here? - Should they have sent me any statements? - Do i continue paying them for the total debt or do i now go back to cap one and pay them, i was under the impression they only took the defaulted amount. - I was going to write to them to make sure the default was paid off but how do i put it. Dont want to shoot myself in the foot! Also i really dont see why i should have to chase them up and 'remind them' about my debt. Dont get me wrong im happy they are not hasseling me but shouldnt the be chasing me??? Im grateful for any advice
  11. Hi, I could do with some advice please ASAP as i dont want to leave it too long before i ring. I had my car fixed by an independant garage and picked it up today. ( i think we got ripped off too, but thats another story!) Just got home about 10 mins ago and realised the headlight is smashed. I dont want to leave it too long before i ring him but when i ring what do i say?? i have no proof it was done there but i know for a fact it wasnt like that before it went to him. Im so angry, whats the best way to handle this?? Thanks in advance for your advice
  12. Hi, we have o2 mobile broadband but i am a bit of a loss as to what to do now. We have had this for a few months after being told the signal in our area is very good. We have always had problems with it, it seems to loose its connection after about half an hour but just lately its getting worse. My hubby did phone the helpline and they said 'there isnt allot we can do because it must be the signal. The signal in your area is genrally good but there are some bad spots.' What do i do now? ive got a product im paying £20 a month for that dosent work half of the time. We are under a contract so im assuming i cant cancel. Please help me, where do i go from here? it seems im just stuck paying for something that dosent really work as i expected. Thanks x
  13. Didnt really know where to put this as its not a bank charge problem and couldnt really find any other bbank forum's so apologies if its in the wrong place. Anyway, my hubby's wages should have gone in to Nationwide account yesterday, well i checked at 9.30 and they were not there, really annoyed as i thought his company had probably paid him late and that meant we couldnt pay our mortgage yesterday (£50 charge incurred for that) Rang the mortgage company to let them know, they just said they would put a note on the account, not very helpful but to be honest i didnt expect them to be. Ive since found out that there was a problem with Nationwide yesterday which is why the money wasnt there when i checked. I have looked this morning and his pay is in the account but showing yesterdays date. Do you think i can do anything or do you have any advice? We coldnt pay our mortgage because of thier computer problem
  14. Strange, i was told that there was a % discount for paying via DD and because we didnt want to pay via DD any more (as the only day they woule be able to take this was the 1st of the month) we would loose the discounted amount. This amounted to us having to pay £40 per month extra.
  15. Ooh thanks, ive been doing this now for over a year, i didnt know there was anything i could do about it as they just said it was in the contract, so we would have to pay. Do you think they will refund it?
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