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  1. Hey, I need some advice- I ordered a sofa middle of sept which argos were supposed to deliver 22nd Oct, this was then cancelled due to 'stock issues' and delivery was rearranged for mid nov. This again was cancelled and after complaining i was promised delivery on 15th dec and a gesture of goodwill which they cannot discuss until the sofa has been delivered. Today the sofa was due 7-12 am and I get a call at 10am saying they can no longer deliver it- another day off work wasted!!! They are unable to give me a new day for delivery now but should do in the next few days. Will my sofa get priority now and how likely will it be delivered before christmas? I am going away on the 22nd and really want it by then. What kind of 'gestures of goodwill' do argos pay- I don't want vouchers or just delivery charge taken off. I want more like 50% plus reimbursements for phone calls made and time wasted! From a v stressed and frustrated person! I can't believe I used to work for argos
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