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Everything posted by markyboy4466

  1. where can we learn more about you? or are you affiliate marketing for someone else trying to make a quick buck?
  2. i think ill get another one haha, only kidding.... not again if i can help it
  3. theres so much stuff about them on here i dont know, i had a loan and they did nt take the money from my card, blamed me, then passed my file around these people, i ve heard they are all in the same office, alot of people say they are not allowed to do this, i paid them months ago but it was nearly 4 times the loan amount..... im seeking recovering the charges on here.. i dont see why they would come to your door without already having court paperwork etc... they might be chancers or might not. lots more about them on here though
  4. thanks for the re post help, yes i have all paper work, e mails, only thing i dont have is the phone calls, the reason it went up to 1300 pounds was the agreed time i could pay it back. the original loan would nt have been the problem but no attempt was made on my card which is the annoying thing, but once id seen the 'you ve been ignoring us' e mails and the mention of bailiffs with young children in the house i just paid up as quick as i could without looking into the charges, it was nt untill id seen all the other threads by people more clued up about these things i realised its more of a con than it sounded in the first place.
  5. yes i ve got the lot, e mails too, all in the same vain as other posters, thanks for the assistance with repost etc
  6. hello everyone, im a first time poster but felt compelled to sign up and reply to all these threads about toothfairy and ndr and the name escapes me for the moment but ill refer to all my correspondance and i think its marshall hoares debt collectors, i got a toothfairy loan at the beginning of the year that was paid onto my debit card, the same debit card they were going to take the payment from the following month, the money was there waiting for them however i was out of the country for a month and returned home to numerous e mails from toothfairy, 2 letters from NDR and one from Marshall Hoares, all in the space of just over 4 weeks, i called toothfairy to pay the original 600 odd quid i think it was but they refused to accept that and said it had been passed to NDR, i called to pay them and they informed me it was now £1004, i told them i could nt pay that and offered 2 installments however they then said it had been passed to marshall hoares baillifs, to the tune of just under 1300 quid. i paid this to them over 3 months and the debt is now cleared, however months on i see all these messages and wonder if i can claim any of these fee's back through the office of fair trading or something like that? sorry for waffling on however theres quite alot of info there, thanks for reading and any response would be greatly appreciated
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