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  1. Dear Mr Neild, after reflection and the fact that I feel so betrayed after years of loyalty I have posted this on the consumer forum and will continue on different forums throughout the U.K. If I can prevent just 50 from shopping with it will have been a success. I have already stopped 5, and will continue with my campaign, this is what I sent: Unfair kandco rewards system - long term Customer I was a empirestores agent for many many years with 15% commission on all goods. They merged last year with kays & gt universal and became KandCo. I have paid into my account over the past 14mts between £3000-£4000 and received only £5 commission. I complained and have been given a further £75. I have not been given anymore as they do not give rewards on goods that are reduced because of a sale and a whole new bunch of reasons. if you buy a piece of furniture that is normally £1000 and you get £50 off due to a sale you will receive no rewards. if you do not order something every month your rewards will stop even though you are still paying on goods over £2000. I shall not be ordering any large or expensive from this company again, only a small item at minimal cost of £5 so I get rewards for the money on the items I still owe. I feel utterly betrayed because of the loyalty I have shown through the years. an absolutely disgusted disgruntled customer
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