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  1. I'm writing to find out if you could possibly guide me in the right direction. In May of 2010 after being made redundant at my job, I moved to the UK where I was unemployed for 6 months before gaining a full time position. I left behind considerable debt that was built with my ex-husband during our marriage. This includes a foreclosure on a property, and most likely 1 seized vehicle (I am not sure of the final outcomes of either), as well as various credit card debt. Before I left I had attended mediation with my ex (separated...not divorced yet) at which point it was agreed that he would carry the debt and in return I would not seek alimony or child support. He has now declared bankruptcy (he is paying a lump monthly sum) and the debtors seem to be tracking me down to Scotland. I left him with all of the assets including 2 new fully paid for vehicles to cover my portion of the unsecured debts. Unfortunately I do not have this in writing. My question is, can these debts that were signed for jointly in Canada be legally enforced here in Scotland? And if so, at what point am I supposed to have been contacted by any of the companies? From what I understand the province of Alberta has a 2 year statute of limitations on collecting debt, however, I don't know if this applies if the debt is assigned to a collector. I received a note from a private investigator through my door today asking me to call him. I assume this is one of the companies owed money tracking me down. I unfortunately do not have the income to fight a court battle, in Canada against my ex (or to file bankruptcy which will run into $3000-$5000 price range in legal fees), nor here. I'm worried about the garnishment of my wages as well....from the information I have been able to gather if I earn under $1330 per month they cannot take more than $194 in payments? I know this is very complicated, but any information you could give would be greatly appreciated. The entire situation is making me quite ill. Kind Regards, H
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