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  1. Hi, I wasn’t aware ‘chargeback’ was the correct term (thanks). But yes, When I first spoke to the bank the lady reassured me & told me to ‘dispute it’ and wait for a decision, only contact them again when the payment had cleared from pending. Therefore, I waited, contacted Lloyd’s again to do this and they said “as I made the payment - they can’t do anything about it, and they can’t create a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist on their system”. After much back n forth of trying to communicate my error and dispute the payment, they confirmed they can’t help. This is where I’m left confused, as the First Lady I spoke to when payment was pending advised me to dispute, but when I called to do it, I got told...it’s a no go!
  2. Hi sorry for delay in reply it was by debit card. One moment just sussing how to upload pic Hi sorry for delay in reply it was by debit card. One moment just sussing how to upload pic hi the first screen teen I clicked ‘voluntary payment’ and second picture I clicked ‘make one off payment’ thankyou for your time and patience Untitled(13).pdf
  3. Hi, thanks for quick reply. It’s a MSc course, so they pay the fees into your bank and it’s your responsibility to then make a direct payment to the university. Hence, my crossed wires & confusion. As in the past on undergrad, student finance/loans made the direct payment. So yes, I’ve mistakenly paid a chunk of my overall, student debt but the money was intended to pay for the upcoming semester. It was a massive error on my part, payment sent to wrong person/organisation etc. I’m Just hoping & grateful for some guidance on moving forward with this, whilst I see what the finance team at uni suggest!
  4. Hi, I hope you’re all keeping well. I’m wondering if anyone can help with my queries? The problem: Each semester, Student loans pay an instalment for me to pay my uni fees. without thinking I paid the money directly back to Student loans instead of the university . I contacted student loans immediately and they said they could not reimburse the payment as it was ‘voluntary?’ And recommended I contact the bank. I contacted Lloyd’s, who told me not to worry as if the payment was ‘pending’ nothing they can do, until it clears. When it does, contact bank and explain that I made ‘an error’ then go from there. I waited until it cleared and contacted Lloyd’s, they said they couldn’t help as I paid the payment? So, I’m wondering... if any of you kind hearted people, can offer any guidance on what my next steps would be, as I’m abit lost out at sea, without support from student loans or my bank. Thank-you in advance
  5. Thank you both for your advice,I will tell my husband to ignore and see what happens when the DCA takes over once again thank you
  6. Hi all i hope someone can help me with a situation concerning a credit card my husband does not and never has had? Around 12 years ago we took over a public house and stayed on as landlord for a couple of years, We returned back to the area we moved from due to my ill health, after around 2 years we were wrote to by Cabot Financial saying my husband had not been making payment on a credit card (total balance is £994.93). My husband telephoned them up and said he has never had this credit card so why were they writing asking for money, they said the card was in his name and the address was of our old public house, they said they would investigate and get back to him. Now a few years on they have written back to him saying as they have not come to an mutual agreement to repay the account balance the account will be passed to a debt collecting agency. This has been going back around 7-8 years now with no repayments been made as it's not his card? what should he do now any help please ..
  7. Hi rebel11. Sorry for the late reply, phoned the fuel direct scheme people up and they refused me straight away as i get job seekers allowance, and child tax credit, so i phoned n power back up complaining about this, and that fuel direct said they no longer help people on those benefits.. phoned the CEO's office to be told they couldn't help me. So still sent an email off to the them, received a letter back which Ive typed out below. as sorry, i don't have scanner to scan it) Also phoned npower again stating i couldn't afford what they where initially asking so the woman on the phone said the only option was to get an prepayment meter fitted and she could delay this until the 6th January and then ill be charged 7.00 for my weekly usage, 65p a week standard charge, and my outstanding balance to be paid back at 3.00 a week. I understand this is obviously a much better offer than the first one, but it looks as though im stuck with getting the prepayment meter fitted even though i still don't want one. I even tried to offer them to take a direct debit payment of 10.00 a week which they declined. Sorry for the long post and once again thank you for your time and help. (LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE COMPLAINTS TEAM BELOW) You recently wrote to npowers chief executive mr volker beckers. As a member of the executive complaints team this has been passed to me to investigate, and respond. After completing a full review of the issues raised in your correspondence, i have detailed below a response to these points. i would firstly like to take this opportunity to apologies for any misunderstandings regarding how your outstanding balance would be collected, and how this was put to you. I can understand and empathise with your obvious frustrations in trying to resolve this issue. this is certainly not the level service you deserve or to which we aspire. After reviewing the details of this matter it transpires that to obtain fuel direct the dwp decide the criteria for who is eligible and anyone on job seekers allowance does not qualify. Having looked into your account a payment arrangement is no longer an option as this has been defaulted before. We also could not accept the amount you offered 10.00 a week as the outstanding balance is calculated over a defined period of time., and would not be sufficient to cover your usage as well as the required amount for the balance 452.48. Having a prepayment meter installed is the only option left as this allows you to pay for your usage ongoing, as well as paying back the balance at a more affordable rate each week. The energy charitable trust charis grant is an option, although this is determined by means testing, therefor you may not qualify due to receiving child tax credit, as well as job seekers allowance. Your average weekly usage is 7.00 per week, and the standing charge for the meter is7.77 per quarter, (65p) a week, your outstanding balance can be paid back at 3.00 a week therefore a prepayment meter is a viable option which allows you too budget, also holds an emergency credit of up to 7.00 In order to recognise the shortfalls in customer service demonstrated to you and to recognize your financial situation i would like to offer you a goodwill payment of 40.00 this can be applied to your account and would reduce your outstanding balance to 412.48 i trust this resolves all issues you have raised, i would be great full if you could contact me by the 10th of January to confirm whether you are in agreement with my proposal, please note the goodwill gesture offered will not be credited to your account until you have confirmed your acceptance of my offer, if you are not satisfied with this offer then please contact me, im confident that we can reach an amicable resolution to your complaint by discussing this matter further. If i have not heard from you by the 10th of January your complaint, will be passed to our head of customer relations to review in line with the final stage of our complaints process, you are able to personally speak to me between 08.00and 18.00 Monday and Tuesday or 08.30-16.30on Thursday i look forward to hearing from you executive complaints team npower
  8. Thanks for your reply rebel, i shall email them now, but as the meter is set to be put in Wednesday, they just informed me, i dont think i stand a chance, i will also try applying to the trust as i was going to before, but when i spoke to an employer of npower about this, they told me not to bother as i wont get it, once again thankyou you have been a great help providing me with these links....
  9. Hi, Ive come on this website, hoping someone will be able to help or advise me with my debt to n power for my electric bill which is just under £500. I have been on the phone today discussing my arrears, and was told i will be getting a key meter installed this week. if i like it or not, as my electric meters outside they said they don't need my permission, to fit one, as i contested i really didn't want one. I'm on benefits, job-seekers allowance, and child tax credit, for my 12 year old daughter, and at the moment i have more outgoings than incoming. Npower is telling me i have to put £10 a week on for current usage, and also 8 a week for arrears, so £18 a week they expect me to pay on the key meter, i have told them on numerous occasions until im blue in the face, that i simply cannot afford this, and they are adamant that , "I will have to pay this and there is no negotiation." I tried to apply for the fuel direct scheme, but i was told by the Representative that i couldn't get this, as i don't qualify for it, as there was "no reason why i couldn't afford " (there words.) a pre payment meter,. and also because i received child tax credit. I'm really at my wits end here. as i know i haven't got the money to put on the meter, is there anyone who can help or advise me. I understand i shouldn't of let myself get in this much of a mess, but most of the time i just feel like they are bullying me on the phone, and making me set up payment plans, i tell them i cannot afford, hence how i defaulted my payments in the past. and got in this mess! i know this is there job, and i owe the money so i should pay it, but i just cant afford what they asking. and really didn't want a meter fitting........ thankyou too anyone who helps me.....
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