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  1. I have received a county county bulk centre forms from Northampton, in regards to the cliamant Marlin via Mortimer Clarke Solicitors in regards to an HSBC account And states HSBC has agreed to provide the defendant with a current account facility upon the T & C's set out therein. The defendant has withdrawn monies from the said account such that the balance exceeds the agreed overdraft Limit & has remaind in such over drawn position, despite requests by HSBC to remedy this. The agreement was terminated by HSBC. The agreement was assigned to the claimant . The cliamant has complied with sections III & IV of practice direction - Pre Action conduct. The cliamant therefore claims 1. 4500.00 2. Intreast pursuant to section 69 of the County Courts act 1984, namely 1096.30 & continuing until judgement or sooner payment at the rate of 0.98. The actual amount being displayed is Amount claimed 4500.00 Court fee 190.00 Solicitors costs 100.00 Total 5900.00 I have already sent of my Acknoweledgment, What should i do next?send a CPR requst in response to the POC ? So any advise would be nice on how to proceed ? THANK'S
  2. I have exactly the same, amout claimed 4500 total amout gone up to 5900 where they get these figures from i dont know, any help with this would be well appreciated.
  3. Hi need some advice on time orders on car hire purchase, i'm currently 4 months in arrears and have paid more than half of the payments so i know they need a court order to reposses. What i would like to know is will i be informed if the creditor applys for a return of goods order and will i be able to go to court to put my side of events to the court or do i have to apply for the time order myself, or wait for the creditor to take me to court first. I hope i've explained this clearly any advice would be appreciated. Thank's.
  4. ok will do,the hearing is on Thursday the holiday post really has messed this up just hope the DJ takes the holiday period into account THANK YOU FOR YOUR ADVICE.
  5. Hi thanks for the reply,i already have their witness papers but in the hearing letter (N157), it state that all parties files should be submited to the Courts and other parties 14 days before the hearing but i recieived the Court papers and the Cliaments papers late and not prepared mine that is why im looking for an adjournement.
  6. Hi I have a Court Case this week but received the letter around the 18 Dec as I work shifts i couldn't get to arrange my papers & make an appointment to use the court mediation service,when I did get to call there was a message saying the mediation service won't be opening back untill the 3rd of JAN plus the claimants witness papers didn't arrive through the post on the 30 DEC, which doesn't leave me with enough time to prepare mine. Can I get my case adjourned & if yes how do I go.about it. any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. yes i had a claim form and replied back its now gone to the stade where a court date has been set in my local county court,link seem to be going all the way with this they offered me a tomlin order,what i want to know is if a debt has been written off for tax purpose's and sold to a DCA can they legaly claim the full amount on the debt also in court do they have to produce all original document's as the TERMINATION NOTICE,DEED OF ASSIGNMENT seem to be templates.
  8. Hi all im new to caggers & this is my first post ,link claim they have bought a debt from GE custom finance which was taken over by Santander, they have sent me a default notice & termination notice which is supposed to be from GE that is clearly not the original notice a statement of account from santander that shows a right of balance a DEED of ASSINGMENT that to me dosent look proper, I've checked my credit file & there is no GE or Santander accounts - but there is a link account the default sum is different than the figures on the statment of accounts and the DEED of ASSIGNMENT can any one tell me or help if link are trying it on as i have a date in court with them in JANUARY.
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